

  • Data gathering and input for AASHE STARS.


  • New student centric pamphlets created for Razorbash
  • New launch experienced delays but will be finalized before August 15, 2013.

UA Sustainability Council

Working Groups

  • New ASG representative assigned to co-chair position.
  • New Honors College representative assigned to council
  • Social Systems workgroup has self-assigned co-chairs. Social systems WG led the charge with placing sustainability content in University Perspectives.  Currently planning Campus Sustainability Day.


Zero Client

  • Computer power management pilot underway with WCOB.  Report will be generated next month.
  • Campus Sustainability Map underway.   To include campus resources for students.

Energy Dashboards

  • Office explored the development of a virtual energy dashboard for monitoring and displaying campus energy use, especially in residence halls.

Independent Student Projects

  • Wasteful Thinking:  Coffee grounds project completed first full month after experiencing delays in June.
  • Two interns were brought on to assist with AASHE STARS reporting and supporting projects.


Sustainability Internship Program

  • Two interns were brought on to assist with AASHE STARS reporting and supporting projects.
  • New positions announced for fall 2013.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

  • UA Urban Forest Ecosystem Service documentation completed.
    • GHG sequestration
    • Campus cooling
    • Social/Cultural Ecosystem Services

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