The Office for Sustainability recently hired interns for the 2013 Fall semester.  These interns will  work on reporting projects for the office.


Supriya Thote Supriya Thote is a senior majoring in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Math.  She is currently learning how to drive and enjoys cooking.  Supriya is also trilingual.   Her work at the Office for Sustainability is to survey and identify trees for the Urban Forestry project, which will estimate how much carbon dioxide is sequestered for trees on campus. She leads the project for the rest of the interns.


Katie Ferran Katie Ferran is a freshman in Biology with a minor in Sustainability.  She likes to draw, hike, kayak, and watch television.   Her work also focuses on the Urban Forestry project.  She will produce an oral history of trees on campus and tree identification.  Katie is from Fayetteville, Arkansas.


Justin Angel

 Justin Angel is a senior in Biological Engineering.  He enjoys hiking and loves his dog, Sadie.  He also works on the Urban Forestry project.  He does GIS work, mapping the trees on Campus.  Justin is from Batesville, AR.



William Woodward is a freshman in Chemical Engineering.  He ballroom danced at the Academy of Performing Arts in Tahlequah, Oklahoma and enjoys TV.  His work at the Office for Sustainability is to identify trees for the Urban Forestry Project.


Rachel Kraus

Rachel Kraus is a senior with a triple major in International Relations, Spanish, and Latin American Studies.  She also has a minor in Sustainability.  Her interests include horseback riding, riding her bike, and reading.  The projects she will work on this semester are the Sustainable Water report and policies related to AASHE STARS.  These policies prohibit idling on campus, improve and maintain indoor air quality, and monitor electronic printing.

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