With over 30,000 students on campus and hundreds of staff and faculty, the roads are busier than ever before. It has become a common experience for people to get stuck circling the parking garages for over half an hour due to the limited parking spaces. Riding your bike to campus is a great way to avoid the chaos, save money, and ultimately save time.  

The University of Arkansas was named a Bicycle-Friendly University (Gold Status) in 2023 by the League of American Bicyclists. The Bicycle Friendly Program evaluates engineering, encouragement, education, enforcement, and evaluation/planning. The Office for Sustainability exceeds in these categories by encouraging students and faculty to ride their bikes to campus through events and by maintaining campus resources and bike trails.  

One of OFS’s priorities is bike safety. Protecting yourself and knowing your rights in Arkansas as a biker is crucial. In Arkansas, bikers are legally allowed to occupy a bike lane, sidewalk, or travel lane when necessary. It is important to always wear a helmet for safety. Not only do helmets greatly reduce the risk of a head or brain injury, but they also help you stand out more on the road. Visibility is especially important at night. Arkansas law requires that when riding at night, bicycles must have a white headlight on the front and a red taillight on the back that are both visible from at least 500 feet away. Riding predictably is also important when riding near cars or pedestrians. Ride on the right with traffic and don’t make quick turns or lane switches. It can be helpful to attach a bell to your bike, so pedestrians know when you are coming when riding on the sidewalk. You can also announce your presence verbally when passing.  

To learn more about bike safety, OFS invites all to the Bike Block Party on August 28th, 2024, from 11 am – 2 pm. This is a community-building event that will not only have educational resources, but also fun activities and vendors. OFS is also hosting Cruise to Campus on September 4th, which is an event that rewards students and faculty who bike to campus with free breakfast and coffee. This event is on Old Main Lawn from 7:30 am – 10 am and occurs every month.  

By Alex Kennington, Zero Waste and Communications Intern