
The Office for Sustainability maintains an ongoing internship program for enrolled or recently graduated University of Arkansas students.  The main purpose of this program is to provide programmatic support for sustainability themed projects and programs.  Some interns help with reporting such as the EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge or AASHE STARS.

Internships support the University of Arkansas’ sustainability goals: AASHE STARS and the American College and University’s Presidents’ Climate Commitment.

The internship program has supported 20 paid interns since 2011.  Several unpaid positions have been available over the years as well.

Example of Work

Interns work on research, outreach and art installations.


  • Zero Client

    • Cloud based computing that reduces the need for larger computing machines in computer labs on campus
  • Student Ambassador Sustainability Script

    • A project between the Office for Sustainability to include sustainability language in new student orientation

    • A thorough examination and update of AASHE STARS
  • Bike Fix-it

  • Updating the Climate Action Plan

    • A financial analysis of solar installation at the University of Arkansas
  • WordPress

    • Blogging about sustainability opportunities, research and other news on campus
  • Water Bottle Sculpture

    • A 16 foot tall water bottle sculpture was created to highlight bottled water consumption on campus

Academic Backgrounds

Many of our interns are also pursuing a minor in sustainability.  Interns come from every college across campus and may be reflective of the systems based nature of sustainability solutions and research.

If you’re interested in internship opportunities, subscribe to our monthly newsletter for updates.  If you have any questions, leave a comment below!