The Office for Sustainability has been collaborating with Greek life over the past few semesters to improve Greek life’s recycling program. The partnership began back in spring 2014 with a recycling program that was to take place during Panhellenic formal recruitment was proposed. This prSorority Recycleogram took place during Panhellenic formal recruitment August 2014 and was extended to the week before recruitment, during which Panhellenic sororities prepare for recruitment, in August 2015. Both times the program was a success, each year helping to divert over 1,000 lbs. of material that would have otherwise gone to the landfill.

Based on the success of these efforts, the Office for Sustainability and Greek life decided to create a position entitled Sustainability Liaison for each chapter. The primary task of the Sustainability Liaison is to work with the Office for Sustainability to enhance their chapter’s recycling and waste management efforts. As of right now, only Panhellenic chapters have a Sustainability Liaison. As the semester progresses, the Office for Sustainability and Greek life plan to offer Sustainability Liaison positions to the rest of the Greek organizations.  

If you would like to know more, please contact Madeline Meier at