In TurningPoint a course is a list of participant names, User IDs, Device IDs and other custom categories. Importing your course is only necessary for instructors and is not required for students.
Add the New Clicker Registration Link to the Course
Important Note: We recommend that everyone using clickers add the registration link to their course menu.
- Delete the previous clicker registration link from your course, by hovering above the link until a grey down arrow appears. Click on this arrow and choose Delete from the drop-down menu.
Note: If you do not see the grey arrow appear, you may not be in Edit Mode for your course. - Click on Delete this Menu Item on the pop up menu, and then click Delete on the next pop up menu.
- Once the previous link has been removed, you will add the new Clicker Registration link. Click on the plus button and click on Tool Link.
- In the Name blank enter “Clicker Registration” and for the Type drop-down choose Clicker Registration.
Connecting Your Turning Account to Blackboard
Previously, it was only students who had to click on the registration link to make the connection between Blackboard and their Turning Technologies Account, but now instructors need to do so as well. Once you’ve added the tool link to your course menu, you will need to click on that link, and log into your Turning Account to complete the connection.
Connecting to Your Courses
When you have made the connection to Blackboard and logged into your instructor account on the Turning Technologies website, you will be able to scroll down to Available Courses and see all of the courses in which you have been listed as instructor. Click Connect for each of the courses that you will be using clickers.
You will then be able to see your courses in the new TurningPoint software. They should automatically appear on the left in the Course List (formerly participant lists) area when you open the software.