- To access the clicker software, insert the Turning Technologies USB receiver into your computer’s USB drive.
- Open the Turning Technologies drive and double-click the TurningPoint application folder.
- Open the application and content to be polled over.
- Click Anywhere Polling from the TurningPoint dashboard.
- Click the triangle-shaped Play button to open polling.
- Ask your question verbally.
- Click the square-shaped Stop button to close polling and display results.
- Right-click on the correct answer choice and select a correct answer.
- When polling is finished, click Options, mouse over Session and click Save Session.
Note: By default, the number of answer options are set to 4. If you would like to change the number of choices, then click the small down triangle next to the larger triangle-shaped Play button, then choose the number of answers you wish to allow your students to choose from.
With this method, you can ask questions on the fly without preparing them beforehand.