How do clickers work?
- Instructors use a USB radio frequency receiver to present multiple choice or true/false questions.
- Students submit their answers using handheld devices, known as clickers, that use radio frequency transmitters set to the same channel as the instructor’s receiver.
- The system instantly collects the results and then shows a graph, which instructors can view, save, and display for the entire class to see.
- The resulting student points can then be uploaded to Blackboard using the TurningPoint software.
Who is using clickers on campus?
Spring 2018 clicker stats:
- Over 18,000 students with registered Turning Accounts.
- 87% of all undergraduates with registered Turning Accounts.
- Over 148 course sections.
- 30 different departments on campus.
- More than 80 unique instructors.
What are the benefits of using clickers in class?
- Engage students in active learning.
- Improve student understanding.
- Encourage attendance and participation.
- Promote student retention.
- Facilitate peer instruction and team-based learning.
Student Articles
- Getting Started with Student Clickers
- Create a Student Turning Technologies Clicker Account
- Troubleshooting Student Clicker Registration
- Troubleshooting Student Clickers
- TurningPoint Mobile (Previously ResponseWare) for Students
- Clickers and Academic Integrity
Before Class
- Get Started Teaching with Clickers
- Add Automatically Updated Student Instructions to your Blackboard Class
- Create an Instructor Turning Account
- Import Participant List from Blackboard
- Create a PowerPoint Question using TurningPoint
- Anywhere Polling for TurningPoint
- Using a Question List to Use with Anywhere Polling in TurningPoint
- Comparing Question Slides in TurningPoint
- Updating your Participant List
- Use Color Scheme to Indicate Correct Answer in TurningPoint
- Using the PresenterCard with TurningPoint
- Change Preferences in TurningPoint
During Class
- Change Your Receiver Channel in TurningPoint
- Run a PowerPoint Presentation in TurningPoint
- Use Anywhere Polling in TurningPoint to Poll Without Previous Setup
- Using a Question List for Anywhere Polling in TurningPoint
- The Response Grid in TurningPoint
After Class
- Generate Reports in TurningPoint
- Edit a Session File
- Lost Session File in TurningPoint
- Attendance Points in TurningPoint
- Import Session files to the Manage tab in TurningPoint
- Export a Participant List to Share
- Export a Session File to Share
- Export Grades to Blackboard
- Download a New Copy of TurningPoint
- Updating the TurningPoint Software
- Error Opening PowerPoint Polling in TurningPoint