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To make it easier for students to find information in your course, instructors can make multiple links to the same content elsewhere in the course as long as it is already available to students. In Blackboard Learn, this is called Course Link.

Download this post as a PDF – To add a Course Link into a Content Area

  1. Click on the Build Content button and select Course Link.

course link

  1. Click Browse and a pop up window will be triggered. Note: if you have pop ups blocked on your web browser you should receive a notice.


  1. In the pop up window you will see a file tree of the entire course’s content. Look for a scroll bar on the right if you do not see what you are looking for. Click on the name of desired selection. The pop up will close when you are successful.


  1. After the pop up closes, you’ll notice that the Name and Location fields have been populated. You may change the Name, but don’t change the Location or the link won’t work. Don’t forget to give the students some instruction in the Description field.


  1. Set the link’s options
    • Permit Users to View this Content is the master toggle for viewing the content. If this is NO, then students will never be able to see it, regardless of the Date and Time Restrictions. Instructors, Course Builders, and Teaching Assistants will be able to see the content at any time.
    • Track Number of Views allows the instructor to know if a particular student has viewed the material. Only recommended for necessary items.
    • Select Date and Time Restrictions controls the release of the content for student view. Instructors, Course Builders, and Teaching Assistants will be able to see the content at any time.

standard options

  1. Click on Submit to save the changes.