Test Post
manual excerpt written here
manual excerpt written here
If you are having issues with your online materials of your textbook, help is available online, by phone, or in person:
Are you new to Blackboard Collaborate Ultra? The first things you need to do when using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra are to enable the tool, create a link to Collaborate Ultra in the menu and start a session. This will walk you through setting up Collaborate Ultra.
Personalizing our Blackboard courses is a way to provide students with a unique online and educational experience. One way to personalize your Blackboard course is to add a picture or image (Banner) to the top of your course homepage or course entry point. Banners are also a useful way to indicate which course you are in which is especially helpful if you teach many courses a semester. Read on to learn how to personalize your course using the banner feature.
Using video or audio for interactive media quizzing is a useful pedagogical tool. Kaltura enables you to easily embed questions within your media, which allows you to test students’ engagement and understanding of the media’s objective.
To prevent interference, individual classrooms on campus have been assigned unique clicker channels.