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Blackboard Collaborate allows users to upload presentations, but only accepts PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentation files and image files (.gif, .jpg, and .png).

The whiteboard in Blackboard Collaborate only accepts PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentation files and image files (.gif, .jpg, and .png).

Note: Only Moderators have access to Load Content. To give a student the permission to upload view: Grant Moderator Privileges to Participant.

Outside of Blackboard

When uploading a presentation to a Collaborate session outside of Blackboard Learn, click the Moderator link you were provided and follow steps 5 through 8 below. To learn more about using Collaborate outside of Blackboard, see the Blackboard Collaborate On-Demand Learning Center.

Within Blackboard

Before uploading a presentation from within Blackboard:

To upload a presentation from within Blackboard Learn:

  1. Log into with your UARK username and password.
  2. Open the course.
  3. Click Collaborate in the Course Menu. If you do not have a Collaborate link in your Course Menu, follow the instructions for creating a link to the Blackboard Collaborate Tool.
    click collaborate in the course menu
  4. In the Scheduled Sessions section, click the purple icon next to the name of the session you are recording.
    click the purple icon next to the session
  5. Click Join Room.
    click join room
    Note: If this is your first time using Collaborate, you will be prompted to download and install the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher application.
    click download launcher
  6. When prompted to record, click Close.
    click close
  7. Click Load Content at the top right of the Blackboard Collaborate window.
    Click on Load Content
  8. Browse to your file and click Open. The images from the presentation will be generated in Blackboard Collaborate and will be available to view.
    Browse to your file and click open.


  • You must have the application that can open the presentation file installed on the computer from which you are uploading the file (e.g. PowerPoint or OpenOffice). Blackboard Collaborate actually opens the presentation and takes snapshots of the slides. If you have animated transitions they will not work in Blackboard Collaborate.
  • You can only import PowerPoint, OpenOffice presentations and image files (.jpg, .gif, and .png only), not files from other presentation applications, or Word documents, or PDFs, etc.