The new Calculated Formula Test questions allow you to create quantitative questions using a formula & variables that can be dynamically generated, calculated, and scored.
Significant Figures in Calculated Formula Test Questions
Improved Feature for Educators
Instructors in STEM disciplines expect precision in the tools that support their pedagogical methods. For some time, Calculated Formula questions in Tests are used by instructors in STEM disciplines to create quantitative questions using a formula & variables that can be dynamically generated, calculated, and scored. The automated grading of these questions, the correct answer to be calculated using the defined formula and variables, and the student’s response validated to award credit, has been improved to include calculation to significant figures. In addition, we have improved our existing support for scientific/exponential notation. The Test Canvas and the Item Analysis report have also been updated to include Significant Figures information.
To create a test with a formula question:
- In Course Management menu your Blackboard course, click Course Tools.
- Click Tests, Surveys, and Pools.
- Select Tests.
- On the resulting page, click Build Test.
- After selecting Build Test, you can add a description and instructions. Select Submit to advance and add questions.
- On the resulting page, click Create Question.
- Click Calculated Formula Question.
Learn more about Calculated Formula Test Questions on the Blackboard Help site.