OER: Open Educational Resources Funding

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The deadline of February 15th is fast approaching for Faculty to apply for OER awards of $3,000 (for adopting open educational resources) and $7,500 (for creating open educational resources). Up to 10 awards are available. Open Educational Resources (OER) promote the use of textbooks and other materials for free or at a minimal charge.

Library Resources on Course Reserves

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The course reserves service allows university instructors to place instructional materials such as a small portion of a library-owned book or an article from a journal to be digitized and to be posted on his/her Blackboard class page.

Managing Assignment Attempts

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At times it may be necessary to allow a student another chance at an assignment or to hide one of their previous attempts at an assignment. This is a simple task using the Grade Details Page.

About Blackboard

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Students and faculty can participate in classes delivered online or access online materials and activities to complement face-to-face classroom experiences using Blackboard, the University of Arkansas learning management system.

Lecture Capture: Echo360 for Tech Partners

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Echo360 is an audio, video, and screen capturing software application and streaming service that can be used to publish materials to Blackboard. Designated Echo360 technicians prepare classrooms to use Echo360 and support faculty with lecture capture and Personal Capture.