Student SafeAssign Self-Enroll

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A SafeAssign course for student to upload papers is available for any student that wishes to enroll in the SafeAssign course. This post explains how to enroll in the SafeAssign course and upload a SafeAssignment.

Assessment Best Practices

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Occasionally students have problems while taking a test online. Often times, this involves students getting kicked out of exams, creating a problematic situation for both the student and the instructor. There are some best practices to help prevent problems for the students and instructor.

Respondus LockDown Browser – ADA compliance

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ADA compliance for Respondus LockDown Browser has been tested with the following applications. If you find that the application you use does not work, please contact the Center for Educational Access at or 479 575 3104.

Bypassing Respondus LockDown Browser

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Although, the most common accessibility technologies, such as JAWS are allowed by the LockDown Browser, certain accessibility technologies might not be compatible with Respondus LockDown Browser. In those situations it is necessary to allow the student to bypass the LockDown Browser.

Allowing Printing & Calculators with Respondus LockDown Browser

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When a student uses Respondus LockDown Browser by default, the calculator and print function on the computer cannot be accessed during the online test. To allow access to the calculator and print function there are text short-codes that can be added to the test. This feature is available with the Windows and Macintosh versions of Respondus LockDown Browser.

Respondus Test Bank Network

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Test banks for thousands of the leading textbooks in higher education are available from the Respondus Test Bank Network. These are the official test banks from publishers including Pearson, Cengage, McGraw-Hill, Wiley, and dozens more. Each test bank is available in the ready-to-use Respondus format and they are FREE to instructors who adopt a participating textbook for their course.