Lecture Capture: Adding the Echo360 Tool to Blackboard Courses

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In order for students to access the Echo360 content for a course a Content link to the Echo360 external tool must be added to each course. For student participation to be sent to the Results Center the Echo360 tool must be added through the Assessments menu on the Content page. Below you will find instructions for adding the Echo360 tool to courses, connecting Blackboard to Echo360 to get content, and creating a link to Echo360 in the course menu.

External Grade

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By default, the Total column is the External Grade column, but you can set a different column, and should if using weighted totals. It is important that the external grade is set correctly because it is shared with your student and other University personnel (e.g. advisors, academic coaches, etc.) as the student’s final grade for the course.

Transfer grades from Blackboard to UAConnect

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The transfer process is straightforward. In essence, you simply indicate in Blackboard which grade column you want to transfer, tell Blackboard to extract those grades, then go to UAConnect, select grades as usual, and use the big yellow button plainly marked “Upload from Bb” to complete the transfer. If any grades were not successfully transferred, UAConnect will tell you. Just enter them manually in the usual way. The final step – using “submitted” and “save” – is the same as always.

Import Items To Your Course

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Did you know that you can save time by importing menu items, sometimes called institutional content, into your course that are regularly and automatically updated? You can add the menu items for several tools to your course that will provide detailed instructions for your students on using that particular tool. In just a few simple steps, you can add the menu items to your course for tools such as clickers and CLASS+.

Lynda.com Featured Course: How to Increase Learner Engagement

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Engaged students become more active learners. Help set learners up for success by teaching in a more interactive and immersive way. In this course, professor and instructional designer Karl Kapp explores teaching strategies that engage learners and make learning stick—whether you’re teaching face-to-face or in an online classroom setting. Explore different lesson formats and activities that increase cognitive engagement, knowledge retention, and collaboration. Dr. Kapp explores both time-tested and cutting-edge tools, including index cards and charts and digital tools such as wikis and blogs.

Linking to a Lynda Course or Video

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Lynda.com training can be used for a wide variety of subjects in coursework.  Class time can be freed up by teaching some skills outside of class with Lynda.com courses which allows for more in-class objectives to be achieved.