Clickers: Lost Session File in TurningPoint
If there is trouble locating a session file in TurningPoint Cloud, there are a few quick things to check to see if it was saved after the class session.
If there is trouble locating a session file in TurningPoint Cloud, there are a few quick things to check to see if it was saved after the class session.
Sometimes you will see that PowerPoint Polling has been disabled on the TurningPoint Dashboard. The cause of this could be one of several reasons.
The Response Grid is an option that displays a chart of all students in the class. As the students answer, their name changes color if their registration is correct. If their clicker isn’t properly registered to their name, then just the device ID will appear.
Instructors using TurningPoint Cloud can save time by setting up the preferences in the software to reflect their preferred teaching methods.
Instructors can compare the student responses from two different question slides. For instance, if you ask them a question at the beginning of the session and don’t provide them with the correct answer, lecture about the subject, and ask the question again. It can provide you with an idea of how effectively students understood the topic.
You can give points based on attendance and participation instead of points based on correctness of the answer given. These are called Participation points rather than Performance points.
Clickers are hand-held remote control response devices used to answer questions in class. They can be used for giving quizzes, taking attendance, or simply helping to ensure that the students are engaged and actively participating in the course. The Turning Technologies RF-LCD is the only approved student response technology for the University of Arkansas.
Instructors can limit who students can email using the Email tool in a Blackboard course.
Instructors in order to change your password for accessing the TurningPoint software, you must change your password for your Turning Account.
TurningPoint allows instructors to upload their clicker scores directly into the Grade Center of a Blackboard course.