Clickers: Change Your Receiver Channel in TurningPoint
To prevent interference, individual classrooms on campus have been assigned unique clicker channels.
To prevent interference, individual classrooms on campus have been assigned unique clicker channels.
Instructors can share session files with other instructors or with technical support staff. Unless all users have access to the Turning Account login and password that was used when the session file was created, then it is necessary to export the session before sharing that file.
The PresenterCard is a clicker that an instructor can use with TurningPoint Cloud software. It allows instructors the freedom to move around the room during class, instead of being tethered to a computer at the front of the classroom.
At times it may be necessary for an instructor to share their participant list from Turning Point Cloud with someone else. In order to do that, it must first be exported.
If the session file doesn’t appear by default after creation, the instructor can import the session file into the Manage tab.
If your instructor allows it, you may choose to use TurningPoint Mobile (previously known as ResponseWare) on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop instead of a physical clicker.
There is an option that allows you to set your chart colors to green for correct answers and red for incorrect answers. This allows the students to quickly see which answer was correct without having to insert a correct answer indicator.
The term “Blackboard Organization” is used to describe an empty Blackboard shell that can be used by University of Arkansas organizations (i.e., Greek chapters, clubs), colleges, departments, faculty, staff, and/or students for activities that are in support of the educational, research, or administrative mission of the University.
TurningPoint Mobile is an app for iPhones, iPads and Android devices that can also be accessed by a web browser. Instructors have the option to allow students to use the TurningPoint Mobile app in place of a clicker in classrooms where there is sufficient Wi-Fi coverage.
If you receive an error message when logging in to Blackboard try resetting your password.