Troubleshooting Student Clickers

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Sometimes a clicker will behave erratically. It will not light green as it should when an answer is submitted or the screen does not display properly when you attempt to answer. The key to what the flashes and colors is shown here.

Using the Blackboard Peer and Self Assessment Tool

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The Blackboard Self and Peer Assessment tool allows students to review and assess work submitted by themselves and their peers. Using criteria provided by their instructors and optional sample responses, students can provide points and feedback for submitted assignments. The tool provides students a deeper understanding of the material and further insight into their own work through the evaluative process.
Blackboard Self and Peer Assessment Tool

Mail vs Messages

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Send Mail and Course Messages are two similar tools in Blackboard Learn that aid the instructor with communicating with students. There are important differences between the two, and the instructor should choose the one that best suits the needs of the course. Since Course Menu links can be renamed each tool can be named to fit your needs.

Make Your Course Available

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All courses listed in UAConnect are automatically created in Blackboard but your course is set as unavailable to students by default. Whenever you are ready for students to access your course, make it available by following these instructions.

Blackboard Delegated Grading

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Instructors may delegate grading to specific users like teaching assistants. Specific users may be assigned to grade particular sets of student assignment submissions using this feature.

Downloading Blackboard Grade Center

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Instructors can work on the Grade Center using Excel, however for the best results it is important to first download the Grade Center from Blackboard. This ensures that the file will be properly formatted when it is uploaded back into Blackboard for students to view. Any new columns created in Excel will have to be made numeric after uploading the file to Blackboard.

Edit Test Question Options in Blackboard

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When editing a test in Blackboard, the Question Settings allows you to set the options available for all questions in a test, survey or pool. Among these options are the ability to include images or video uploads with questions, the default point value and question metadata.