Log into your Turning Account, you should see three green check marks.
- One of the check marks is for License
- One is for Device
- One is for the Learning Management System (Blackboard)
The only exception to this rule is that there can be a grey X under Device, if your instructor allows the use of ResponseWare and you do not own a clicker.
Missing Subscription Check Mark
If there is a check mark missing from Subscription, then you need to add the Subscription code that came with your new clicker or one that you purchased separately for a used clicker to the Turning Account.
- Log in to your Turning Account
- Click Add/Purchase a Subscription.
- Enter your subscription code and click Redeem.
This will give you a check mark below License and resolve the problem with your being inactive in your instructor’s participant list.
Missing Device Check Mark
If there is a check mark missing from Device, and your instructor does not allow the use of ResponseWare, then you need to add your Device ID.
- Log in to your Turning Account
- Enter the Clicker ID from the back of your clicker and click Add.
This will give you a check mark beneath Device and finish that portion of your registration.
Missing Learning Management System Check Mark
If there is a check mark missing from Learning Management System, then you need to go back and make that connection between your Turning Account and Blackboard.
- Log into Blackboard
- Click on one of your courses that uses clickers
- Click on Tools
- Scroll down and click on Turning Account Registration
- Log into your Turning Account
This should make the connection to the learning management system.
Not Receiving Clicker Points
You can check to see if you’re receiving your clicker points by logging into Blackboard and accessing the My Grades section of your course. If you don’t seem to be getting credit for your clicker question answers, follow these steps:
- Make sure the instructor has actually uploaded the scores for the day in question.
- Make sure you’ve followed the Clicker Registration steps correctly.
- Make sure you’ve correctly followed the steps to set the clicker to the correct channel.
- A common mistake is forgetting to press the Channel button a second time, after you’ve entered the 2-digit channel code.
- Additionally, be sure that once you’ve set the channel successfully to not press the channel button before submitting your response.
- You should see a long green light flash if you’ve joined the channel correctly.
- If you’re still not receiving points, try changing the device’s battery.
Important: If you have been answering clicker questions by using your clicker and setting the correct channel, but you have not yet registered your clicker, you can still receive your points once you register. However, if you are not correctly setting the channel, even if you are registered, then you may not receive any credit for the questions you answer.