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 VERY IMPORTANT: After creating a video quiz, the quiz must be placed in the Blackboard Course Content for the grades to be automatically added to the gradebook. Go to Adding a Kaltura Video Quiz to Course.

Video Overview of Kaltura Interactive Video Quizzing

To start creating a media quiz, the media must first be uploaded to Kaltura’s My Media. If you want to create a recording, read Getting Started with Kaltura. Alternatively, you can choose a YouTube video for a quiz. Here is a video on How to Upload YouTube Videos to My Media, and there’s an article, Kaltura: Create a Quiz from a YouTube Video.

If you need assistance with Kaltura, please contact the Help Desk at (479) 575-2905 or at


Launching Quiz Editor


Starting from Blackboard

    1. Under the “U of A” tab, click My Media link in the “My Media” module.My Media on Blackboard
    2. Click Add New, then select Video Quiz.Click Add New then Video Quiz
    3. Next to the media you wish to use for quizzing, click Select. This will launch the Quiz Editor.Kaltura My Media Select
    4. Next Step: Adding Questions

Starting from Media Space

  1. Login to
  2. Click Add New, then select Video Quiz.Click Add New, then select Video Quiz
  3. Next to the media you wish to use for quizzing, click Select. This will launch the Quiz Editor.Kaltura My Media Select
  4. Next Step: Adding Questions


Adding Questions

If, when you open the Quiz Editor, there is a Start button, click it. This will create a copy of the original media and append the filename with, “- Quiz”.  Otherwise, the media is already copied and you can begin following the steps below.

Very Important: The question type selection menu is only visible with the media is paused.

  1. Find a place where you want to add a question, and click the Pause button.
  2. Select the desired question type by clicking on its icon.

    Kaltura Quiz-Multiple Choice Icon

    Multiple Choice

    Kaltura Quiz-True False Icon

    True / False

    Kaltura Quiz- Open Answer Icon

    Open Answer

    Kaltura Quiz- Reflection Point Icon

    Reflection Point

  3. Add question text, and, if applicable, answer choices. (The example shown is for multiple choice.)Kaltura Quiz Editor-multiple choice menu

    Side Note: Multiple choice questions start with two answer options. Two more options can be added by clicking the plus (+) button. By default, the first option is the correct answer, and you can scramble the answer list after answer inputting by clicking the randomize button. Randomize Icon

  4. When finished, click Save. Repeat these steps until all questions have been added.Click Save
  5. When complete, click Done.Click Done
  6. You are finished creating a video quiz. It will be saved with the original title appended by “- Quiz”. Continue below to see how to place a Kaltura Interactive Video Quiz in your Blackboard course.


Adding a Kaltura Video Quiz to Course Content

  1. Go into your Blackboard course to where you want to place the Kaltura Video Quiz.
  2. Hover your mouse over Assessments, select Kaltura Video Quiz.Click assessment then Kaltura Video Quiz
  3. Click Select next to your quiz. Remember your quiz will be your original video title appended with “- Quiz”.Click select next to the quiz
  4. Title your quiz, and change any settings. Click Submit, and your done. If you upload the quiz this way a grade center column will automatically be created in the Grade Center and a grade will automatically be entered when the student takes the quiz.Complete create quiz item information and click submit.

For more information about Kaltura, visit About Kaltura.

If you need further technical assistance, please contact the Help Desk at (479) 575-2905 or online at