Purchase your clicker from the University Bookstore. Inside the box is a small card that has your subscription code in red text.
Note: If you have a clicker that you received from someone else or purchased before the Fall of 2014 then you will need to buy a Turning Account scratch-off subscription card from the University Bookstore before you can create your account.
Create a Student Clicker Account
- Open your browser and go to Blackboard at http://learn.uark.edu.
- Click on any one of your courses.
- Look to see if there is a Clicker Registration link on the course menu to the left. If there is click on it. If there isn’t, click on the Tools link on the left, then scroll down and click on Clicker Registration.
- Enter your UARK email address (with the ‘@uark.edu’) and select Create Account.
- Your name and email address will be automatically populated. Check the box to accept the Terms of Use.
- Click Finish.
- Click Get Started.
- In the Subscription Code field, enter the code printed on the Turning Account card included in your clicker box (or the scratch-off subscription card) and click Redeem.
- Click Continue.
- In the Clicker Device ID field, enter the 6-character code printed on the back of your clicker, and click Add.
- Click Continue.
- Click Finish.