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Watch this video on Youtube: Creating a Column in Grade Center

{This video uses visuals from a previous version of Blackboard but the steps are the same}

Create Column

To create a basic column click on Create Column in your Grade Center.

click create column

Here you will be able to show scores, letters, text, percentages, and complete/incomplete designations.

You must enter a Points Possible even if it is a “0” for a bonus column.

show scores

Create Calculated Column

If you would like to create a column with an Average, a Minimum/Maximum, a Total, or a Weighted Total select “Create Calculated Column”.

create a column with an Average


An Average column will allow you to select multiple columns and calculate the average of those columns.  It is important that all columns have the same number of points possible when using this calculated column.  For more information on creating average columns, see the Manually Create an Average Column page.

An Average Column


A Minimum/Maximum column will show the highest or lowest grades for a column.

min/max colmn

Minimum/Maximum column

This may be useful for professors who want to curve for grades or exams.

A Total column allows you to choose any number of columns or categories and total the points earned for those columns or categories.  If you then set your Primary Display to Percentage, you’ll be able to see the average created by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of points possible.

total column

total column


A Weighted column calculates and displays a grade using a selected number of columns based upon each column’s respective worth to the total grade.

weighted column

weighted column

When creating a Weighted column or Total column select NO to calculate as Running Total as this only includes items that students have completed or attempted and will omit columns with no entry.  If you leave Running Total as YES make sure you enter “0” for students who do not complete the work or else the column will not be included in their calculations.