- To access the clicker software, insert the Turning Technologies USB receiver into your computer’s USB drive.
- Open the Turning Technologies drive and double-click the TurningPoint application.
- Click on the Manage tab.
- Select the saved session from the left panel. The Session Overview screen will be displayed. Click Edit Session in the Session Overview.
- To edit the question or answer text, select a question and click the pencil icon on the right.
- Type the edited text in the box provided.
- Scroll down in the panel on the right to adjust correct and incorrect points as well as point values.
- Click Close to return to the question list.
- Click Save and Close to save changes to your session file.
These changes will be reflected for all students scores in the Results Manager automatically. If your scores have already been uploaded to Blackboard, it will be necessary to upload them again. As long as you haven’t changed the name of the session file, then the previous column will be replaced with the edited scores.