- Request a receiver by contacting clickers@uark.edu with your name, the course you plan on using clickers in, and the approximate enrollment of that course.
- Check the training calendar for upcoming training sessions.
Clicker system tutorials and instructor-led online courses are available via Turning Technologies. - Join the clickers mailing list. Faculty can receive information and announcements or join discussions about clickers by subscribing to clickers@listserv.uark.edu. To join, email listserv@listserv.uark.edu with “subscribe clickers Full Name” (where Full Name is your name) in the body of the email, leaving the subject line blank.
- Inform the University Bookstore by contacting the Textbook Department by phone at 575-3010 or email at textbook@uark.edu and letting them know the course number and approximate enrollment.
- Create a Turning Account
- Add the Clicker Registration link to your class in Blackboard, connect your Instructor Turning Account, and download your courses
- Find the channel number for your classroom. To prevent interference, individual classrooms have been assigned unique clicker channels. See the Channel Allocations Map for room clicker channel assignments. If your classroom is not on the map, contact clickers@uark.edu.
- Let your students know you’ll be using clickers.