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  1. Make sure Edit Mode is “ON”.
    edit mode on
  2. In any student accessible content area click on Assessments and choose assessments then assignment
  3. Edit the Assignment Options
    1. Assignment Information
      • Name it (required)
      • Provide your instructions for the assignment to the students (optional)

      Assignment options screen

    2. Assignment Files
      • Attach additional information as a file (optional)

      assignment options screen

    3. Due Dates
      • Set a due date (optional). This will show in the course calendar and any submissions turned in after this date will be marked as late in the Grade Center

      assignment options screen

    4. Grading
      • Assign a point value (required)
      • Add a rubric (optional)

      assignment options screen

      Submission Details

      • By default the assignment is individual for each student, but Group and Portfolio options are available.
      • By default students have a single attempt (meaning they can only turn in the assignment once).
      • In the Plagiarism Tools section select “Check submissions for plagiarism using SafeAssign” if you want the assignment to be checked by SafeAssign.
        • Allow students to view SafeAssign originality report for their attempts” – this option will show the students what portions of their submission matched with the SafeAssign database. This can be useful if you want your students to check their citations or improve their paraphrasing skills.
        • Exclude submissions from the Institutional and Global References Database” – this option will check the submission against the databases but not add the submission to the databases. This option is useful if the assignment is a “Draft” of a paper and you will have them submit a final version at a later time. If the draft is submitted to the databases, when the final version is submitted it will match the draft at a high percentage, and won’t be helpful to the instructor in finding plagiarism.


    5. Availability
      • By default the assignment is available (meaning that the students can click on it and submit)
      • Limit Availability – controls when the assignment is available to the students. “Display After” controls when the link appears, and “Display Until” controls when the link disappears.
      • Track Number of Views – allows you to see who accessed the assignment from the drop down menu next to the assignment name

    6. Click Submit.

Submitted assignments can be accessed through your Full Grade Center or Needs Grading.