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 VERY IMPORTANT: Kaltura Capture minimum system requirements are Windows 7 to 10, 32-bit and above, or Mac 10.10 to 10.13., and requires a minimum of 4 GB of RAM.

There are two ways to reach the Kaltura recorder download. One is through the site, and the other is from inside of My Media on Blackboard. Below are instructions for both options.


Installing from

  1. Go to, and login. To log in, on the top right, click Guest then Login.
  2. Click Add New, then Kaltura Capture.
  3. Download the installation file. If your machine already has Kaltura Capture, clicking Add New will launch the software.
  4. After download completion, run the installation file.

To open Kaltura Capture, click Add New on the site, or launch it from your device. Now you are ready to record media. For a quick tutorial, read Getting Started with Kaltura.

installing kaltura from

Installing from within Blackboard

Under the U of A top tab on Blackboard, there are modules (boxes) listed on the page with information. Click on the My Media link in the My Media module.

Click on My Media link inside of the My Media module.

  1. Once you are in your My Media click on the Add New menu in the top right and choose Kaltura Capture.Click on Kaltura Capture
  2. Download the installation file for Windows or Mac. If your machine already has Kaltura Capture, clicking Add New will launch the software.
  3. Run the installation file to install Capture.

To open Kaltura Capture, click Add New , or launch it from your device. Now you are ready to record media. For a quick tutorial, read Getting Started with Kaltura Capture.

For more information about Kaltura, please visit About Kaltura

If you need technical support for Kaltura, please contact the Help Desk at 479-575-2905 or online.