In many courses there may be required or supplemental skills that will increase a student’s ability to be successful. For example, in an English Composition course it may be necessary to have a working knowledge of how to use Microsoft Word as well as familiarity with basic research methods. These skills greatly increase a student’s ability to turn in quality papers, but in-class time would be best spent on teaching the crafting of the paper’s structure and voice.
This is where can be a highly useful resource. All students at the University of Arkansas Fayetteville now have access to and instructors can assign a course or section of a course for them to complete. Alternately, they can refer students to those courses as a resource to increase their skills in these areas if they need extra instruction.
Topics Covered:
- Logging into
- Finding the Content That’s Right for Your Class
- Adding a Course as an Item in Blackboard
- Linking to a Course or Video
Logging into
The first step to using a course is logging in. Instructions for logging in can be found in the TIPS article Logging into
Finding the Content That’s Right for Your Class
Once you’ve logged in to you can either search or browse for the course that’s right for you.
To search (1) simply enter keywords into the box provided and press the Enter key. To browse (2) hover your mouse pointer over Library move down to a category and then click on a subcategory name.
Adding a Course as an Item in Blackboard
- Log into Blackboard at with your UARK username and password.
- Click on your course that you want to include the Lynda course in, and then click on the content area where you want it to reside.
- Make sure that you’re in edit mode, and then click Build Content and choose course.
- Search or Browse to find the course you want to include.
- Click on the +Add button.
This adds a link to the course at the bottom of the content area.
Linking to a Course or Video
Once you’ve found the right material for your class, sharing it is simple. You can either share an entire course or share a video within a course.
- Once you’re in the course that you want to share, click on the Share link at the top of the screen.
- Click Copy next to the link under Share this course with your organization to copy the link so that you can paste it into an email to your students or include it as a link in your Blackboard class.
Click Copy next to the link under Share this video within your organization to copy the link so that you can paste it into an email to your students or include it as a link in your Blackboard class.
Important: Be sure that the URL that you copy ends with html? This will ensure that the URL will take them to a log in page for the UARK Lynda domain and not the generic log in page.