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Step-by-step instructions for scheduling and completing your ProctorU online authentication:

Please follow the step by step instructions below to:

  1. Create your ProctorU Account
  2. Add your UCard Institution if you already have an account
  3. Schedule your authentication session and test your equipment
  4. Complete your authentication session and create your ProctorU digital student identity


If you do not already have a ProctorU account, you will first need to create your account:

If you have an account, skip down to, “If you already have a ProctorU account

Go to and create a new student account by selecting New User? Create an Account

create an account














Enter your user information to create your account.

enter account information















For Institution, select UCard Authentication – UARK

Accept the terms and conditions, and click Create Account

















If you already have a ProctorU account:

Log into your account using your username and password.

log into account














Select Edit Account from the left-hand menu.

edit account














Under Enrollments, select Add Enrollment

add enrollment







Select UCard Authentication – UARK

select institution









Verify that you now have a second enrollment: UCard Authentication – UARK

confirm ucard enrollment









Select Update Account

update account












Select My Sessions to return to your account homepage.

my exams







Create your UCard Authentication appointment:

Note: Your student account will be charged $22 for the card and $3 for shipping.  Your ID card will be mailed to your home address listed in UAConnect.  You will have to sign for the card when it is delivered. Send questions to  Online students with ID cards cannot access the HPER (the U of A on-campus gym) or athletic tickets because online students are not charged the corresponding fees. You may visit the Pat Walker Health Center and pay the fee at the time of your visit.

Select Create UCard

If you need technical support, click Need Support? Chat Now!

1 - User Selects Create Ucard












Confirm that you want to schedule your UCard Creation session by selecting Schedule Session.

Create Ucard Prompt









Select a day and time for your appointment, and click Select.

To confirm, click Schedule.

User Selects Appointment










Select Technology Check to test your setup.

Select My Exams to return to your main account page.

session confirmation









You will now see your appointment with a countdown timer on your My Exams page.

If you have questions, select Have Questions? to get in touch with ProctorU.

Select Reschedule if you want to reschedule for a different appointment.

main account page









Test out your equipment well in advance of your appointment by clicking the following link. If you need assistance, fill out your information and click Connect to a live person

ProctorU Test It Out Webpage

ProctorU Test it out











At the time of your appointment, select Start Exam.

4 - Ucard Start










Click Yes to confirm your UCard Creation appointment.

5 - Confirm Appointment on Start Page











Present your government-issued identification in front of the camera, and select Take Snapshot.

Photo ID Picture (optional)

















Take your picture by selecting Take Snapshot.

Self Picture















Follow the Steps 1, 2 and 3 to initiate your proctored authentication session.

Start Page











Download and Run the applet to start your session.

Click Get Live Help if you need assistance.

Download and Run Applet











Once your session starts, a chat window with your proctor will appear. Please follow the directions of your proctor to begin your authentication.

Chat box with Proctor














Your proctor will unlock the authentication session.

Authentication unlocked by proctor














Follow the instructions to create your public records authentication quiz and click Submit.

IDology Information














Read the instructions carefully, and select Begin Authentication.

Create Ucard instructions















Complete your authentication challenge questions. Click Submit.

Challenge questions


















Complete the Keystroke challenge by simply typing the statement in the window. You will be required to type the keystroke challenge twice. Click Submit.

Keystroke Analysis










Click Close once your have completed your authentication.

Pass Authentication