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Downloading and installing the Respondus Exam tool. This tool assists in creating and publishing exams in Blackboard much easier.

  1. Log into Blackboard Learn with your UARK account username and password.
  2. Near the top in the tabs under the U of A logo, select the Software tab.
  3. Scroll down to the heading Respondus Exam Creation Tool (for Faculty) and follow the directions.


Configure Respondus Exam tool

After the Respondus Exam tool installs and the program opens for the first time, you will be asked to enter the license information.

Important: Enter the license information exactly as it is listed on the software page in Blackboard. It is below the download link. Hint: copy and paste the content into the fields.

Enter License Infromation


Next The Respondus Exam tool will require you to pick a profile. For the U of A, pick “Blackboard 7.x – 9.x

For profile choose Blackboard 7x - 9x


Next step is to Create and prepare the exam for import