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Using the Respondus Exam tool to publish an exam into a Blackboard course.

After you have review the exam questions and made any adjustments to the question wording or the answers, you are ready to publish the exam to a Blackboard course.


Launch the Publish Wizard

  1. Select the Preview & Publish tab at the top
  2. Then on the left select, Publish to Blackboard
  3. Select the Publish Wizard

Select the Publish Wizard


Important: At this point, if Respondus prompts you to configure a Blackboard server click below to configure. Then follow the instructions below.

Configure the Server Connection for First-time users [click me]

Configuring the server connection is for first-time users (or if your configuration needs to be reset), but Respondus will not let you configure the server before you have loaded an exam. If you have already configured your server skip down to Publishing the Exam into a Blackboard Course.

  1. Choose to publish your exam into a single course or multiple courses (default is single course.)
  2. If you have not configured a server yet, the Blackboard Server field will be blank.

Select add new server

  1. Select the drop-down and choose”Add new server”
  2. Select “Yes, check for pre-configured server settings

Check for pre-configured settings

  1. Respondus will download the settings
  2. Name this configuration. The name does not matter. Suggestion:
  3. Enter your UARK account username and password
  4. Choose to Run the connection test, and then select Next.

Name the configuration and login

  1. After confirmation of successful connection test, select Next, then Finish.


Connection Test complete

Publishing the Exam into a Blackboard Course

  1. Choose to publish your exam into a single course or multiple courses (default is single course.)

Blackboard server pre-configured

  1. You might be prompted to enter your username and password again.
  2. In the resulting window, choose the course in which to publish the exam.
  3. The drop-down menu will list all courses you have permissions to edit. Select your course.
  4. Choose to either publish your exam as an exam or pool. Default is new exam.
  5. Under the Additional options section, uncheck the 3 options. You will make these choices in Blackboard when you deploy the exam for the students. Then select Next.

choose your course

  1. Respondus will upload the exam into the Blackboard course chosen and you will receive confirmation that the process was successful.

confirmation of successful upload

  1. Select Finish. Then log into your Blackboard course and complete the last step.


Next step is to Deploy and set options for the exam in a Blackboard course