If you have set up your courses in TurningPoint 8, you no longer have to update your participant list. The latest student registration will be synced each night at midnight, and when you open your TurningPoint 8 software the next day it will pull down that most recent data.
When you know that a student has fixed something since midnight, you can force the software to sync by updating the course in your instructor account on the Turning Technologies website and then having the software manually pull down those changes with the following steps.
- Log into the Turning Technologies website with your instructor Turning Account.
- Click View on the course you want to update.
- Click Update Course.
- Open your TurningPoint 8 software, and click on the Manage tab.
- Click on the name of the course.
- Click on Update.
This will immediately update the list so that you don’t have to wait for the participant information to update over night.