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Using guided lessons to encourage active learning and breaking video content into short topics.

One video integration technique that can be used to encourage active learning is the guided lesson. This strategy breaks videos down into short topics that align with one or two specific lesson learning objectives.  Below is a brief description and example of a guided lesson.


Guided Lesson

  • Short, topical videos (5-20 min)
  • Attach required documents (datasets, worksheets, etc.)
  • Can be done in one video (with pauses as shown below) or broken into sequenced activities (e.g. adaptive release in Blackboard)
  1. Instruction/Demonstration:
    The instructor provides instructional video related to the specified learning objective(s). Instructor: Dr. Ki Lynn Matlock
    Objective: After completing this lesson, you will be able to compute the percentage of areas between given points under a normal curve.
  2. Pause video:
    The instructor provides prompts and instructions and for an activity that the student will attempt and then the student is asked to pause the video.
  3. Student works on problem or scenario:
    The student will use the information provided and any provided documents to attempt an activity.
  4. Student resumes video
  5. Faculty reviews the correct response:
    The instructor reviews the correct steps, rationale, etc. to complete the activity.

Alternate Method

While the above steps demonstrate how a single short video can be used, and where the student is in control of pausing and resuming the video, a more controlled method can be used in a learning management system. For instance, the video can be divided into different segments that will open using adaptive release (or a similar method) after the previous step is marked as reviewed or an item is submitted. If a submission of the work completed is desired, this can also be required to move forward to the final clip of the instructor’s explanation of the correct response. The graphic below illustrates this method.

instructional video with mark reviewed button; knowledge check with adaptive release; solution video with adaptive release


View this complete guided lesson by Dr. Ki Matlock.