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A variety of different mollusk shells laid out on a brown surface.

Modern Day Bivalves

Familiar bivalves today include clams, oysters, mussels and scallops. There are 10,000+ described living species.

In the Museum Collections

View specimen list here.

Total bivalve specimens: 3748

Total identified species: 300+

Specimens from Arkansas: 2451

Identified species from Arkansas: 33

Fossil Record

Bivalve fossils first appear in the Cambrian Period (542 to 488 million years ago).

Oyster shells (UA Museum), Ostrea congesta, Marlbrook Formation (Millwood Reservoir, AR), Upper Cretaceous (100.5 – 66 million YA). Map indicates county where specimens were found.

Arkansas map indicating Clark Co

Pelecypods (Inoceramus sp.) specimens (UA Museum), Nacatoch Formation (Clark County, AR), Upper Cretaceous (100.5 – 66 million YA). Map indicates county where specimens were found.

Bivalve (UA Museum), Exogyra ponderosa, Marlbrook Formation (Millwood Reservoir, AR), Upper Cretaceous Age (100.5 – 66 million YA). Map indicates county where specimens were found.

Bivalves (UA Museum), Inoceramus comancheanus, Annona Formation (Millwood Reservoir, AR), Upper Cretaceous (100.5 – 66 million YA). Map indicates county where specimens were found.

Image Credits:

  • Heyde, Manfred. Seashells: marine bivalves and gastropods from Shell Island, a coastal peninsula south of Harlech Castle, in North Wales/ Great Britain. There we found about 25 different species out of 200 shells we picked up. Wikimedia CommonsCC BY 3.0. 
  • Oberg, Danielle. Arkansas map.
  • Oberg, Danielle. U of A Museum paleontological specimens.