Varun Grover Biographies



Shorter Bio


Varun Grover is the Chaired Full Distinguished Professor (George & Boyce Billingsley Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor) of IS at the Walton School of Business, University of Arkansas. Prior to this he was the  David D. Glass Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor of IS at the Walton School of Business (from 2017 to 2021).  Prior to this he was the William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Clemson University. He has published extensively in the information systems field, with over 450 publications, with over 300 of which are in major refereed journals. Over ten recent articles have ranked him among the top four researchers globally based on number of publications in the top IS journals, as well as citation impact. Dr. Grover has an h-index of 104 and over 57,000 citations in Google Scholar. Thompson Reuters recognized him as one of 100 Highly Cited Scholars globally in all Business disciplines. He is Senior Editor for MISQ Executive, Editor of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems Section on Path Breaking Research, and has served as Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly (2 terms), the Journal of the AIS (2 terms) and Database. Dr. Grover’s current work focuses on the impacts of digitalization on individuals and organizations.  He is recipient of numerous awards from USC, Clemson, AIS, Academy of Management, DSI, the OR Society, Anbar, PriceWaterhouse, among others for his research and teaching. He is a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems and recently received the prestigious LEO Award for Lifetime Exceptional Achievement in Information Systems.  He has had the privilege of being extensively involved with PhD students, serving as an advisor to over 45 PhD students and as Co-Chair of numerous doctoral consortia at both the International Conference on Information Systems and Americas Conference on Information Systems.  He has been invited to give numerous keynote addresses and talks at various institutions and forums around the world.





 Longer Bio


Varun Grover is the David D. Glass Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor of IS at the Walton School of Business, University of Arkansas.  Prior to this he was the William S. Lee (Duke Energy) Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Clemson University.  He has published extensively in the information systems field, with over 450 publications, with over 300 of which are in major refereed journals, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, Journal of the AIS, EJIS, ISJ, California Management Review, Decision Sciences, IEEE Transactions, CACM, etc.  Ten recent articles (published in Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Decision Line, HICSS, EJIS, Information & Management, and Communications of the Association for Information Systems) have ranked him 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in research productivity (among over 7000) researchers in the world in the top Information Systems journals.  A recent article evaluated him as 2nd among the top 200 most influential IS researchers in the world based on the h-index and the citation impact of their work. On the Association for Information Systems database on research productivity, he is ranked 2nd  in productivity from 1990-2016 based on publications in the top 6 journals in the field.  The University of Arizona’s h-index study that identifies the top MIS researchers ranked him in the top 5 in four consecutive studies. He has an h-index of 104 and over 57,000 citations in Google Scholar. In 2013, Thompson Reuters recognized him as one of 100 Highly Cited Scholars globally in all Business disciplines.

Dr. Grover is Senior Editor of MIS Quarterly Executive and Senior Editor (Emeritus) for MIS Quarterly, the Journal of the AIS, and Database and serves as Associate or Advisory Editor for 13 other journals (including JMIS, IJEC, DS, JOM, ISJ, etc.) as well as Advisory Editor for Sharpe Advances in IS Book Series and Wiley’s Internet Encyclopedia.  He has served as Editor of numerous Special Issues of JMIS, MISQ, Decision Sciences, and Database.  Dr. Grover has had the privilege of chairing over 40 doctoral dissertations, and is actively involved with doctoral students in various capacities, including. as Co-Chair of numerous doctoral consortia at both the International Conference on Information Systems and the Americas Conference on Information Systems. Placement of his students includes UNC, Chapel Hill, SUNY, Buffalo, Georgia State, Iowa State, UMass-Boston, University of Nebraska-Omaha, HEC Montreal, University of Colorado, Yonsei University, Baruch College, University of Washington, University of California, Washington State, Colorado State, Auburn University, and Bentley University, as well as companies like Dell Computers and Samsung Corporation.

At USC and Clemson, he has won numerous outstanding teaching awards including the Alfred G. Smith Award twice for excellence in teaching, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award (twice) and he was a three-time recipient of the Outstanding MBA Professor Award.  Additionally, he is a 7-time recipient of the Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013) based on “exceptional achievement in research and teaching.”  He also received Clemson’s Senior Scholar Award twice for “outstanding and meaningful contributions in research.” In 2012, he received Clemson University’s most prestigious Alumni Award for Outstanding Research and in 2013 he won the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Indian Institute of Technology.  At the University of Arkansas he received the 2020 Outstanding Faculty Member Award from the University. He has also received numerous best paper awards including the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Decision Sciences Institute, the Stan Hardy Award for the best paper in the field of Operations, best published paper of the year in Organizational Communications and Information Systems Division (OCIS) from the Academy of Management (three times) and the Stafford Beer Medal.

He is currently working on the impacts of digitalization on the individual and organization, and released his third book (with M. Lynne Markus) on process change. He has participated in many capacities in professional associations, including as a mentor in 7 AMCIS and ICIS MIS Camps, 5 Doctoral Consortia, and numerous panels at ICIS, AMCIS and PACIS.  He has served as track chair for the National DSI Conference, ICIS and AMCIS, and has twice co-chaired the SIM-MISQE Workshop at ICIS.  Additionally, he has served as Program Chair for AMCIS and on the Executive Committee of both ICIS and AMCIS.  In 2011, he received a Lifetime Service Recognition from the Association for Information Systems for his numerous volunteer roles. While at USC, he was also the Chief Investigator of a number of grants totaling over $100,000 from the Center of International Business Education Research, funded by the US Department of Education.

In addition, Dr. Grover has given numerous keynote speeches including the Second Global Outsourcing Conference in NYC, the 4th Annual Conference on IT and Management, the First Global Flexible Systems Conference in New Delhi, the Ninth Global IT Management Association World Conference in Atlanta, the 8th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business in Wuhan, China, the KPMG PhD Project Meeting in San Francisco, the ICIS Workshop on Enterprise Systems, 10th International Smartsourcing Conference in Daejeon, Korea, DIGIT, the 12th GITMA World Conference in Las Vegas, the 15th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, the ICIS JAIS Theory Development Workshop in Dublin, the 7th Concurrent SIGPHIL at ICIS Workshop in San Fransisco, the 8th Concurrent SIGPHIL at ICIS Workshop in Munich, ISONE World in Las Vegas, and at numerous AIS Workshops including the PACIS Doctoral Consortium in Taipei.  In addition, he has participated in Speaker series in over 40 universities in USA, Europe and Asia.  Over the past 4 years he has conducted numerous workshops, panels and talks in various universities in Taiwan, Hong Kong, S. Korea, India, Denmark, China and Australia.  Additionally, he has taught courses at Wirtschafts Universitat, Vienna, Austria, La Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, Santa Domingo, and Aarhus University, Denmark.

Anbar Intelligence has recognized seven of his articles as having the “highest” (5-star) quality in rigor and relevance and recently he received recognition for the PriceWaterhouse Coopers “Outsourcing World Achievement Award” for “making a difference in the industry for significant contributions to advancing the theory and practice of outsourcing.”  He is currently listed in Who’s Who of International Professionals, Who’s Who in Information Technology, Harvard’s International Directory of Scholars, is AIS Distinguished Member CUM Laude, and a member of INFORMS, DSI, Academy of Management, and ACM. He is also a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems in recognition of his many contributions to the field of information systems and recently received the prestigious LEO Award for Lifetime Exceptional Achievement in Information Systems.



Full Vita

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