Recognition, Honors and Awards


  • 2023 The October 2023 “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators” ranked 6th in the Information Systems discipline (out of 17,784 authors) in the multidisciplinary study of 174 sub-fields by Stanford University that uses a standardized composite metric to compare 7 million scientists across all disciplines. Ioannidis, John P.A. (2023), DOI: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6
  • 2023 Arkansas Alumni Association’s Award for Research, University wide top research award for relentless pursuit of excellence in research
  • 2023 Awarded the Walton College of Business Outstanding All Around Faculty Award
  • 2023 Journal of AIS 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention for “Does it Pay to Have CIOs on the Board? Creating Value by Appointing C-Level IT Executives to the Board of Directors”
  • 2021 Ranked 6th in the Information Systems discipline (out of 17,791 authors) and 5,225 (out of the top 2%, i.e., 186,177 authors), in the multidisciplinary study by Stanford University that uses a standardized composite metric to compare 7 million scientists across all disciplines. Baas, Jeroen; Boyack, Kevin; Ioannidis, John P.A. (2021), ” August 2021 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators””, Mendeley Data, V3, doi:10.17632/btchxktzyw.3
  • 2021 Awarded the Walton College of Business Faculty Excellence in Research Award.
  • 2020 Awarded the AIS LEO Award for lifetime achievement. This is the highest award in the IS field and given to select few “truly outstanding scholars who have made exceptional global contributions in the field of information systems.”
  • 2020 Outstanding Faculty Member at the University of Arkansas for “achievement in student engagement, scholarship and research, innovation, and leadership development.”
  • 2019 Awarded AIS Distinguished Member Cum Laude (at ICIS 2019 in Munich) based on commitment to the Association for Information Systems.
  • 2019 Ranked #1 in a sociometric analysis in “An Analysis of the Most Published Authors and Most Cited Authors in the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems,” Vol. 50(1), 2019, 54-76.
  • 2018 Received the 2018 “Best Published Paper Award” in the Organizational Communications and Information Systems (OCIS) Division of the Academy of Management for paper (with K. Lyytinen), “Management Misinformation Systems: A Time to Revisit,” which was published in the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. The OCIS Division executive board selects the four best papers out of over 600 papers which were published in all top management, information systems and organizational communications journals this year.
  • 2017 Recognized in the top 5 of 400 prominent Management Information Systems (MIS) researchers in the 2017 update of the University of Arizona’s h-index ranking. Also ranked 5th in 2015 study. A summary of this study can be found at here.
  • 2017 Recognized as the 3rd most frequently appearing author in eleven high impact journals from 1977-2014 out of 11,204 authors. Ranked 5th in the three elite journals. See Everard, A; St. Pierre, K; and Heck, JL. (2017) “Contributors to the High-impact IS Journals (1977-2014): An Aid for Setting Research Standards,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 40 , Article 4.
  • 2016 Recipient of the Stafford Beer Medal for the best paper appearing in the European Journal of Information Systems. Awarded at the Annual Blackett Memorial Lecture in London in November 2016 (Co-Recipients: J. Gerow, J. Thatcher)
  • 2015 Ranked 5th in MIS Quartley’s 2015 Most Prolific Author List (list of the 50 all-time most prolific authors)
  • 2015 Recognized in the top 5 of 400 prominent Mangement Information Systems (MIS) researchers in the 2015 update of the University of Arizona’s h-inex ranking. Also ranked 8th in 2010 study
  • 2015 Awarded Runner-Up for the 2014 JSIS Best Paper Award, for S. Tams, B. Grover, J. Thatcher, “Modern Information Technology in an Old Workforce: Toward a Strategic Research Agenda,” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol.23, No.4, 2014, pp.284-304
  • 2015 Awarded the College of Business & Behavioral Sciences’ 2015 Senior Scholar Research Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2014 Thompson Reuters’ Web of Science awarded the Highly Cited Paper designation to “Business Value of IT: An Essay on Expanding Research Directions to keep up with the Times,” JAIS, 2008 (with R. Kohli). This indicates that it “received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of citations in the academic field of Computer Science based on the highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.”
  • 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi. Awarded at Convocation in December 2013
  • 2013 Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, College of Business and ehavioral Sciences, Clemson University
  • 2013 Recognized in the top 10 of 400 prominent Management Information Systems (MIS) researchers in the 2012 update of the University of Arizona’s h-index ranking.  Also ranked 8th in the 2010 studty.  A summary of the study can be found at:
  • 2013 Listed among Highly Cited Researchers from Thomson Reuters (list released in December 2013)
  • 2012 DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems Best Paper Award for 2011 for “The Successful Implementation Of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Projects,” (Vol.42, No.2, pp.9-31, with K. Saeed, W. Kettinger and S. Guha)
  • 2012 Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research. This is Clemson University’s highest honor for research.
  • 2012 Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence
  • 2012 Decision Sciences Best Paper Award for 2011 received for “Inter-Organizational System Usage and Supply Chain Integration: An Empirical Assessment,” Decision Sciences, Vol. 42, No. 1, 7-42 (with K. Saeed, M. Malhotra). Cash Award of $2,000
  • 2012 Selected for 2012 Edition of Who’s Who in America
  • 2011 Received the Leadership Development Award from the Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA). Awarded at the 12th Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • 2011 Awarded the College of Business & Behavioral Sciences’ Senior Scholar Research Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2011 Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence
  • 2011 Association for Information Systems Spotlight Award for Lifelong Service to AIS, ICIS and AMCIS. Awarded at the International Conference for Information Systems (ICIS), St. Louis, Missouri, December 2010.
  • 2011 Recipient of the Association for Information Systems Fellow Award for “outstanding contributions to the Information Systems discipline in terms of research, teaching and service at a global level. Fellows “are expected to be a role model and an inspiration to colleagues and students within the discipline. In addition, they should be capable of commanding the respect of individuals from outside the discipline.”
  • 2010 Recognized as the 3rd most productive author globally on business process management research, with the highest productivity in the behavioral science paradigm. Houy, C., Fettke, P. and Loos, P., “Empirical Research in Business Process Management- Analysis of an Emerging Field of Research,” Business Process Management Journal, Vol.16, No.4, pp.619-661.
  • 2010 Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence
  • 2009 Recognized as the 3rd most influential scholar based on the family of Hirsch Indices (sustained citation impact). Two hundred scholars were ranked based on impact in European and North American journals. Truex, D., Takeda, H., and Ceullar, M., “Assessing Scholarly Influence: Using the Hirsch Indices to Reframe the Discourse,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems,” Vol.10, No.7, pp.560-594.
  • 2009 Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence


  • 2009 Recognized as the 4th most published researcher (among 3,404 authors in 610 Universities in 48 countries) in the well regarded “basket of top 6 IS journals.” Also ranked 5th in both the “top 9 journals” and the “top 3 journals” listings. Clark, J.G., Warren, J. and Au, Y.A., “Assessing Researcher Publication Productivity in Leading Information Systems Journals: A 2003-2007 Update,” Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 24, February, 2009, pp.225-254.
  • 2009 Honorary Advisory Board, Center for Global Outsourcing
  • 2008 Received the Leadership Development Award from the Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA)
  • 2007 Recognized as the 3rd most published author in Gallivan, M.J., and Benbunan-Fich, R.“Analyzing IS Research Productivity: An Inclusive Approach to Global IS Scholarship,” European Journal of Information Systems, 16, 2007, pp.36-53. The authors criticized the 2005 Huang and Hsu study that evaluated the “top 30” researchers in the world in IS. Their main criticisms were the North American centric nature of the study…non-US journals were not included, inclusion of some top practitioner journals rather than pure academic work & inclusion of editorials or invited pieces that may not be refereed. They indicate that it does not represent “global” productivity in this burgeoning field.
  • 2007 Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence
  • 2007 Recognized as the 4th most published author over 13 years in “A profile of information systems research,” published in Information & Management” (Volume 44, 2007, pp.1-11)
  • 2007 2nd Place, Journal of Operations Management Best Paper Award for the article “Evolution in the Strategic Manufacturing Planning Process of Organizations” Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 24, 421-43. The award includes a plaque and $1500 cash.
  • 2006 Recognized as the 3rd most productive researcher in 3 leading IS journals based on an assessment of 2401 authors that published 1486 articles. Ranked 4th using a broader set of 7 top journals. Clark, J.G., and Warren, J., “In Search Of The Primary Suppliers Of Is Research: Who Are They And Where Did They Come From?” Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Volume 18, Article 15, 2006), 296-328
  • 2006 Finalist, Decision Sciences Best Article Award, for “The Dark Side of Information and Market Efficiency in e-Markets” Vol.37, No.3, 2006, pp.297-324.
  • 2006 Received Clemson University Board of Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence
  • 2006 Received the Stan Hardy Award for “Examining the Impact of Interorganizational Systems on Process Efficiency and Sourcing Leverage in Buyer-Supplier Dyads,” as the outstanding paper published in 2005 in the field of Operations Management.
  • 2005 Article entitled “An Empirically Derived Model for the Adoption of Customer-Based Interorganizational Systems” was ranked 16thof 50 Most Cited Articles in Decision Sciences from 1970-2005 (
  • 2005 Finalist, Decision Sciences Best Article Award, for “Examining the Impact of Interorganizational Systems on Process Efficiency and Sourcing Leverage in Buyer-Supplier Dyads,” Vol. 36, No. 3, 365-396
  • 2005 Recognized as the 1st (top) (adjusted count) and 3rd (normal count) most productive researcher in top IS journals (among over 4200 IS faculty worldwide) from 1999-2003. Also recognized as “one of the most productive researchers during the past 13 years.” In Huang, H. and Hsu, H.S., “An Evaluation of Publication Productivity in Information Systems: 1999-2003,” Communications of the AIS, Vol.15, Article 31, 2005, pp.555-564.
  • 2004 Was second among IS authors with three articles out of 58 listed in Whitman and Woszczynski’s 2004 study on “Exemplary Works of IS Research. (In Whitman, Michael E. and Amy B. Woszczynski (2004). “Exemplary Works in Information Systems Research,” In The Handbook of Information Systems Research, M. E. Whitman and A. B. Woszczynski (Ed.), Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, PA USA, 2004, 1-14)
  • 2004 Runner-Up for Best Published Paper of 2003 Award for the Organizational Communications and Information Systems Division (OCIS) of the Academy of Management.
  • 2004 Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, College of Business & Behavioral Sciences, Clemson University, 2004
  • 2004 Selected for the 2004 Edition of Strathmore’s Who’s Who


  • 2003 Featured Faculty in President’s Annual Report (Clemson University)
  • 2003 Awarded the College of Business & Behavioral Sciences Senior Scholar Research Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2002 Represented the College of Business & Behavioral Sciences in the “Celebrating Research Forum” at Clemson University. Made presentation to members of the Clemson Community on various research areas in Information Systems at the Belk Auditorium.
  • 2001 Keynote Speaker at the First Global Flexible Systems Conference, New Delhi, India (December)
  • 2001 Invited Co-Editor (with Tom Davenport) for a Special Issue of JMIS on “Knowledge Management.”
  • 2000 Invited to represent the Eastern United States in the East vs. West Tri-annual IS Bowl at the Americas Conference for Information Systems, Long Beach, CA, August, 2000.
  • 2000 Awarded the Outstanding 2nd Year MBA Professor Award by the MBA batch of 2000.
  • 2000 Recognized as the 3rd (adjusted count) or 2nd (normal count) most productive researcher in top IS journals (among over 4200 IS faculty worldwide) from 1992-1996 in Athey, S. & Plotnicki, J., “An Evaluation of Research Productivity in Academic IT,” Communications of the AIS, Vol.3, No.7 (March) 2000.
  • 1999 Paper: An International Empirical Examination of Technology Architecture in the United States, United Kingdom, Taiwan, and India by Kirk D. Fiedler, University of South Carolina, Varun Grover, and James T. C. Teng) designated as “best paper selection” for the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Milwaukee, WI.
  • 1999 Invited to be Special Editor for an issue of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce on “Electronic Commerce and Business Transformation”
  • 1999 Recognized by the PriceWaterhouse Coopers “Outsourcing World Achievement Award” for “making a difference in the industry for significant contributions to advancing the theory and practice of outsourcing.”
  • 1999 Invited to be the Associate Editor (on Program Committee) for the International Conference for Information Systems (ICIS) in Charlotte
  • 1999 Awarded The Darla Moore School of Business’s “Distinguished Faculty Researcher Award” based on outstanding research contribution, impact & productivity.
  • 1998 Listed in the 1998 Edition of “International Who’s Who in Information Technology.”
  • 1998 Designated as an (Endowed) Business Partnership Foundation Fellow (for outstanding contribution to research, teaching, and service at the University of South Carolina)
  • 1998 Recognized as the most productive researcher in Information Systems from 1991-1997 based on pages published in the top 6 journals (see Im,, Decision Line, September/October, 1998, pp.12-16)
  • 1998 Outstanding MBA Professor Award (based on student votes)
  • 1998 Invited to be Special Editor for an issue of Decision Sciences (on the interface between IS and Operations) based on competitive proposal process.
  • 97-98 6 papers received Citations of Excellence and 5-star ratings from Anbar Electronic Intelligence based on best research implications, best practical implications, and best originality of ideas and best readability.
  • 1997 Received the college-wide Alfred G. Smith Award for Excellence in Teaching (1 of only 3 faculty to have ever won the college-wide award twice).
  • 1997 Selected and listed in “Who’s Who of International Professionals
  • 1997 Invited to be the Associate Editor (on Program Committee) for the International Conference for Information Systems (ICIS) in Atlanta
  • 1996 5 Papers/Abstracts listed in the International Forum on Managing Information & Technology (best business readings), IMD, Switzerland.
  • 1996 Invited to edit a Special Issue of Database on “IT: The Next 50 Years” (in celebration of 50 Years of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM))
  • 1996 Invited to be the IS Track Chair for the 1996 National DSI Conference in Orlando
  • 1996 Invited to edit a Special Issue of JMIS on the “Impacts of Reengineering”
  • 1995 Research Fellow, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina
  • 1995 Listed in International Directory of Business Management Scholars and Research published by Harvard Business School Publishing
  • 1995 University Research Award Nominee (USC Educational Foundation Research Award)
  • 1995 Letter of Commendation for Teaching from University President
  • 1995 Co-Edited Special Section on “Business Process Change” in JMIS
  • 1994 Invited to write cover story article for 25th anniversary issue of Database
  • 1993 Outstanding Achievement Award, Decision Sciences Institute (with James T.C. Teng)
  • 1993 Profiled as “Faculty of the Future” in the cover story of the Columbian magazine
  • 1992 Research Fellow, College of Business Administration, University of South Carolina
  • 1992 Alfred G. Smith, Jr. Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 1990 Selected to Beta Gamma Sigma (Honorary Society)
  • 1988 Nominated for and participated in the DSI Doctoral Consortium
  • 1985 Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh
  • 1985 Selected to Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary Society)
  • 1985 Letter of Merit for completing the MBA program with a perfect GPA of 4.0/4.0
  • 1984 Elected Editor, MBA Newsletter at Southern Illinois University
  • 1983 Assistantship, Southern Illinois University
  • 1982 “Best Five Thesis Award” for B. Tech. Project, I.I.T., New Delhi
  • 1982 Academic Merit Award, Department of Electrical Engineering, I.I.T., New Delhi
  • 1977 Senior Science Talent Scholarship, based on a national examination