I have taught a variety of IS courses, although my major areas of teaching have been in the core IS management course, the telecommunications course at the Master’s level and PhD research seminars. At the Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, I was the only doctoral student to be hired as a lecturer teaching 2 MBA courses/semester. Over 12 years at the Moore School of Business (MSB), I was consistently evaluated at the highest level in the college and was fortunate enough to receive a number of teaching awards from both students and faculty (including two-time receipt of the college-wide Alfred G. Smith Award for Teaching Excellence and two-time Outstanding MBA Professor Award). At MSB I spent significant time directing the curriculum, procedures, and standards for all IS programs. My particular interest at USC was toward creating a top notch PhD program in IS, which we successfully accomplished as reflected in the placement quality. At Clemson, I have been involved in program and curriculum development at the undergraduate, graduate and PhD levels. The doctoral program is successful based on the quality of students and the intensive standards for doctoral requirements, student success in consortia (like ICIS), student publications (ranked as #1 among 700 institutions in a CAIS article) and student placements. My teaching at Clemson has focused exclusively on graduate courses, including the core MBA (MSIM) and PhD course in IS, as well as research seminars in classical IS research, theory and research methods. I have received the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award twice at Clemson. My teaching evaluations for all courses across my career have consistently been high across the board (generally 4.6-5/5.0) and well above department averages.
Teaching Activities – Courses Taught
- Seminar on Critical Thinking on the Conduct of IS Research (Only Doctoral)
- Business Information Systems (Undergraduate)
- Introduction to Computer Information Systems (Graduate)
- Data Base Management Systems (Graduate)
- Systems Design (Undergraduate)
- Strategic Information Management (Graduate)
- Research Seminar in IS (Only Doctoral)
- Seminar on Research Methods (Only Doctoral)
- Research Project Seminar (Only Doctoral)
- Telecommunications Management (Undergraduate)
- Distributed Data Processing (Graduate)
- Telecommunications (Graduate)
- Information Systems (Graduate core course taught both on TV and in classroom)
- Executive MBA Core IS Course
International Teaching
- International MBA Program at Wirtschafts Universitat, Vienna, Austria (1996)
- La Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra, Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic (1992 and 1993) (taught with Spanish translators & translating equipment)
- Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, Seminars on Digital Strategy and Competitive Advantage (2013, 2014)
- Virtual Research Seminar on Digital Innovation (DITE), Fall 2022 (10 weekly classes): Taught Class on Theorizing on Digital and Digital Strategy
- Virtual Research Seminar on Digital Innovation (DITE), Fall 2023 (10 weekly classes): Taught Class on Theorizing on Digital and Digital Strategy
- Seminars in Asia (Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, India, Denmark, Australia)
Teaching Assessments

PhD Dissertations Supervised (Chair/Co-Chair)
- Connie Crook, Sensory Predicate Matching to Enhance Rapport and Comprehension in Electronic Mail Communication, Final Defense, 1992
- Myung Cheon, Outsourcing of Information Systems Functions: A Contingency Model, Final Defense
- Choong Lee, Impact of Computing and Communications Technology on Structural Adaptation to Environmental Change: An Information Processing Paradigm, Final Defense, 1993
- Albert Segars, Strategic IS Planning: The Co-Alignment of Planning System Design With Organizational Context, Final Defense, 1994
- Seung Jeong, A Study of Implementation Inhibitors in IT-Enabled Business Process Redesign, Final Defense, 1995
- Steven Simon, The Relationship of IS Training Methods and Cognitive Ability to End User Satisfaction, Comprehension and Skill Transfer: A Field Experiment, Final Defense, 1994
- Kathy Stewart, The Investigation of Individual Attitude Toward an IT-Enabled Information Practice: A Prescription for Corporate Information Policy, Final Defense, 1996
- Karen Papke-Shields, Examining a Framework for Manufacturing Strategy and Technology Structure, Final Defense, 1997
- Michelle Hiene, The Dimensionality of Technology and Enablers of Effectiveness, Final Defense, 1999
- Mark McMurtrey, The Determinants of Job Satisfaction Among Systems Professionals: An Empirical Study of the Impact of CASE Tool Usage and Career Orientations, Final Defense, 1998
- Subo Guha, An Exploratory Study on Planning for Business Process Redesign Under Various Contexts, Final Defense, 1998
- Ray Crepeau, Career Anchors and Orientations of IS Professionals, Pre-proposal.
- Bonnie Glassberg, Individual Use of Web Technology: A Reconceptualization and Empirical Test of the Technology Acceptance Model, Final Defense, 2000
- K.S. Im, Information Technology, Coordination Costs and Firm Size, Status: Final Defense, 2000
- Gary Hackbarth. Web Revisitation ,Final Defense, 2001
- Khawaja Saeed, Defining Supply Chain Integration and Alliance Capability, Final Defense, 2004
- C. J. Duan, An Event Based Analysis of Business Process Outsourcing and Corporate Performance, Final Defense, 2007.
- Jaejoo Lim, The Consumer Choice of E-Channels As a Purchasing Avenue: An Empirical Investigation of the Communicative Aspects of Information Quality, Final Defense, 2007
- Ramakrishna Ayyagari: What and Why of Technostress: Technology Antecedents and Implications, Final Defense, 2007
- Nick Roberts: Digital Drivers of Customer Agility and Competitive Activity: How Firms Use Information Technology to Sense and Respond to Market Opportunities in Hypercompetitive Environments, Final Defense, 2009
- Ravi Narayanaswamy, Managing Business Technology Projects: View from a Control Perspective, Final Defense 2009.
- Mohammad Al Marzouq: A Theory on the Sustainability and Performance of FLOSS communities, Final Defense, 2010
- Pamela Galluch: Interrupting the Workplace: Examining Stressors in an Information Technology Context, Final Defense, 2009
- John Zimmer: Information Seeking Behavior: The Effects of Relationalism on the Selection of Information Sources, Final Defense, 2010
- Stefan Tams, The Role Of Age In Technology-Induced Workplace Stress, Final Defense, 2010
- Michael Dinger: Understanding the Role of Embeddedness in Shaping IT Worker Behavior, Final Defense, 2011
- Jennifer Gerow: IT-Business Strategic Alignment: Meta-Analysis, Construct Development and Empirical Study, Final Defense, 2011
- Michelle Carter, Information Technology (IT) Identity: A Conceptualization, Proposed Measures, and a Research Agenda, Final Defense, 2012.
- Kevin Craig, The IT Identity Threat: Construct Definition, Development, and Tests of Its Effects, Final Defense, 2015.
- James Burleson, Social Media Interaction- An Empirical Investigation and Research Agenda, Final Defense, 2015.
- Nikhil Bandodkar, Essays on IS and Value Creation in Organizations: The Case of Innovation Balancing Acquisitions, C-Level Technology Directors, and the Acquisition of Entrepreneurial Information Technology Firms, Final Defense, 2017.
- Dan Jiang, Can IT Be Fashionable? Conceptualization, Instrument Development and Consequences of Perceived Fashionableness of IT, Final Defense, 2018.
- Jake London, “Creativity and Information Systems: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of Creativity in IS,” Final Defense, 2019.
- Hamid Reza Nikkhah, Data Breach Consequences and Responses: A Multi-Method Investigation of Stakeholders, Final Defense, Spring 2020.
- Jennifer Large, Understanding Multi-Platforming Behavior, Proposal Defense, August 2019.
- Ali Balapour, User Performance and Engagement: The Role of Immersion, Immersive Systems, and Attention Distractors. Final Defense, 2021.
- Sandip Sarkar, Agency of Technology on Usage: A Grounded Theory of Hooked, Final Defense, 2022.
- Iaroslava (Gloria) Dutchak, Digital Information Transparency and Satisfaction: Can We Have Too Much of a Good Thing? Final Defense, 2023.
- Jia Wei, The Role of Platform Openness in Complementary Innovation, Final Defense, 2023.
- Yaping Zhu, Essays on Algorithmic Control in Online Labor Platforms, Final Defense, 2024.
- Syed Shuva, Digitilizations on News: Shaping News Consumption Behavior, Proposal Defense, 2024.
- Steve De Lurgio, Pre-Proposal Stage
- Matthew Showman, Pre-Proposal Stage.
PhD Placements of My PhD Students
- University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- University of California at Riverside
- Iowa State University
- University of Ulsan
- Georgia State University
- University of Colorado, Denver
- Salisbury State University
- Boston College
- SUNY, Buffalo
- Dell Corporation
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Florida International University
- Bowling Green State University
- Samsung Corporation
- Kennesaw State University
- Miami University
- Yonsei University, Korea
- Wichita State University
- University of Massachusetts, Boston
- South Carolina State University
- Kuwait University
- Roanoke College
- Le Moyne University
- University of South Carolina, Upstate
- Virginia Military Institute (VMI)
- HEC, Montreal
- University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Baruch College, CUNY
- Colorado State University
- University of Washington
- Washington State University
- CalPoly
- Loyola University
- Bentley University
- Auburn University
- St. Louis University
- University of Nevada (UNLV)