Module #7: WordPress

Using WordPress
--Author powers 
--To access back end of datareporting:
Login with UARK credentials.
Quick tips on Gutenberg editor

Custom HTML

Embed Flourish in WordPress
Under Published in Flourish, find embed code.
Create a post. 
Create a block - custom html.
Paste code there. Save and update
Looks like this:
Embed Tableau in WordPress

Using Tableau Public to Host Graphics
--Create Tableau Public account if you haven't already
--Load your student loan graphic to Tableau Public.

–Post on WordPress.
Create a new post
Use Divi Builder, the Purple box above the formatting bar
Insert columns, pick a full row
Insert module, pick </> Code
Paste your Tableau Public embed code in the Content box
Scroll down, change the Admin Label to My Mind-Blowing Tableau Graphic (or something more humble). Save and Exit
Change Page Layout (upper right corner) to Fullwidth. Publish
Revel in your nerd powers

Building the Web Page
Gutenberg has blocks to display text, graphics, video etc.
Everyone has to build their own page in DataReporting site of WordPress.
Create a Post.
Upload your graphic from Assignment #1 and your story.
Format so it doesn’t look ugly
Click “Student Work” for category.

DJ News Fund

Aug. 23, 2019

Dear Rob, 

The Dow Jones News Fund is excited to share with your students its summer 2020 internship programs. We are almost finished putting together the tests and applications. 

We have been fielding questions about the status of the tests, so we wanted to share with you the timeline and what to expect.

Students will be able to apply and test for any of our four programs: data journalism, digital media, business reporting and multiplatform editing. All the tests, except for editing, will be available online. Paper copies of the other tests will be available for those who can’t accommodate online testing.

We have updated the test monitor directory, you can click here to review your school’s listing

Once the applications are live we will post the internship programs to Handshake, Purple Briefcase, and other internship sites.

Sept. 2: We will send out the first mailing with brochures and posters. 
Sept. 9: Applications for summer 2020 internships should be live.
Sept. 10: We will host two info sessions via Go To Meeting at noon and 3 p.m. RSVP Here.
Sept. 16: Second mailing with the paper tests and the links to the online tests.
Oct. 2: Another info session webinar at 3 p.m. RSVP Here.
Oct. 17: Another info session webinar at noon. RSVP Here.
Nov. 8: Deadline for the applications and tests.

As you recruit and prepare your students for the tests, please take advantage of the previous tests posted here. We strongly recommend going through these with your students.

You can download printable flyers for the internship programs (PDF) and the ACBJ business reporting program (PDF).

We look forward to reviewing your students’ applications. We’re always willing to answer your questions by phone or email. Thanks for your help and all you do for students.

Best regards,
Heather Taylor

Details of DJ News Fund Program
College juniors, seniors and graduate students are invited to apply to the Dow Jones News Fund for paid summer 2018 internships in data journalism, digital media, business reporting and multiplatform editing. The application and test deadline is Nov. 1.
The Fund’s internship programs offer interns a week of advanced training at top universities in data journalism, digital media, business reporting and multiplatform editing before they report to work. During each residency interns are taught the latest news gathering, editing and storytelling technologies.
Data journalism interns are trained to collect, analyze and visualize data to unlock compelling stories; digital media interns augment their range of reporting skills using video, audio, data and social analytics; business reporters spend a week in New York learning to cover all sectors from Wall Street to personal finance and local companies; and the multiplatform editing interns hone their news judgment, headline writing, copy editing and page design skills.
The Fund and sponsoring media cover travel costs to and from training and to newsrooms. Interns are responsible for their housing and transportation costs during the internship. Students who return to school after a successful internship will receive $1,000 college scholarships.
Snapshots from summer 2017:
Cheyanne Mumphrey, a recent graduate of Northern Arizona University, spent 10 days at Arizona State University working with her fellow digital media interns to produce Ripple Effect Phoenix, before heading off to Hawaii News Now to cover stories like the Hokulea’s homecoming voyage.
Hayley Harding, a senior at Ohio University, honed her data journalism skills at our residency program taught by experts from Investigative Reporters and Editors. Hayley reported to work at McClatchy DC, earning a byline in her first week.
Allison Krug, a 2017 graduate of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, attended the editing program at Penn State and interned at the Virginian-Pilot. Read more about her experience.
James Rodriguez, a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, was selected for the American City Business Journal business reporting program. James was one of 10 interns who spent a week at New York University learning to cover all aspects of business before returning home to work for the Austin Business Journal.
College juniors, seniors and graduates enrolled full-time on Nov. 1 are eligible to apply, including December graduates, and U.S. students studying abroad.
To apply, students should visit the programs page on the Fund website. Applicants are required to complete an online application and take a one-hour test for the program(s) they are applying to by Nov. 1.
This test will be given once, Friday, Oct. 26 at 9 am in Kimpel 146. Sign up here:

Sample tests

College Scorecard Data

Learning to Love Data Dictionary
All 1,826 columns explained here.
Group Assignment: Examine The Data Dictionary. Sketch out the broad categories describing the data. Hint: There’s a section on demographics – race, ethnicity. 
Consult this article for ideas about the types of data you can examine
What are the broad groupings?
What questions do you want to answer with this data and which data fields should we look at next?
Compose your thoughts at the bottom of this Google Doc:

Student Loan Data

Private vs. Public Colleges: How Does The Debt Load Differ? 
Return of the Data Dictionary: Student Loan Dataset
All 1,826 columns explained here.
1) Find the field that distinguishes between public and private colleges:
2) Build a new spreadsheet from this raw data: AR2016ALL-1jwseiw
Name your new sheet ARDebt9_19  
It will have these fields:
      A) The private / public colleges field
      B) Latitude and Longitude
      C) The 8 data fields we have used so far in ARDebt.
      D) A data dictionary
3) Make Charts in Tableau
Import ARDebt9_19 into Tableau.
Create a chart of the overall median debt, median private, median public college debt.
Create another one, public, private for graduates and discontinued students.
Revel in your nerd powers

Add Context

Overall averages, medians for particular topics.
What is the median student loan debt in 2016?
What is the median student loan debt for for-profit colleges in 2016?
What is the average default rate?

Context #1
Add the Quick Facts for city population, demographics.
Little Rock: African American comprise 42 percent of Little Rock’s population.,US/PST045217
Add typical salary from Occupational Employment Statistics database for Arkansas

Data Adventure

Data Adventure
FY 2015 national cohort default rate is 10.8%, down from 11.5% in the previous year. 
By comparison, Arkansas’ cohort default rates dropped from 12.2% to 11.2%, inching closer to the national average. Five years ago, when ASLA initiated efforts to lower the state’s default rate, Arkansas ranked near the bottom of all 50 states at 49th. During that period, Arkansas’ default rate had declined from 19% in 2010 to the more manageable 12.2% in 2014.
Arkansas’ 351,000 student loan borrowers carried more than $10.8 billion in debt at the end of 2017
According to USDE data, Arkansas’ 351,000 college tuition borrowers carried average of $26,799 in student loan debt per student, slightly less that the $27,857 average balanced held by the other 43.6 million Americans that are still paying for college.
By far, college-goers attending the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville received the largest portion of federal student loan proceeds in the 2017-2018 academic years, when $107.6 million was handed out to enrollees at the state’s largest university
Arkansas State University in Jonesboro received the second-largest share of federal student loans at nearly $91.9 million in the 2017-2018 academic year.
Question: Where would we find these numbers in our current dataset?
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”New Data – or Is It?” _builder_version=”3.0.101″ background_layout=”light”]
New Data – or Is It?

Fine Print:
1 NSLDS -derived data elements will also be updated in the fall of 2018

More Student Loan Data
Dept of Ed Release
Instructions in Default Rates
Title IV Data
College InSight – Detailed Debt Data
Details on Student Loan Delinquencies by Type of Loan
Federal Student Loan Portfolio: The office of Federal Student Aid is responsible for directly managing or overseeing an outstanding federal student loan portfolio comprised of billions of dollars in Title IV loans and representing millions of borrowers. This federal student loan portfolio includes Direct Loans, Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL), and Perkins Loans with outstanding balances. The reports below provide information about the federal student loan portfolio.
Total disbursements by institution
PowerStats Tool
The National Center for Education Statistics has a PowerStats tool that requires registration. I got a password in a minute.
Once you log in, you can build your own tables with the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study: 2016 Undergraduates.


Data Updates

From Fall 2018
All — CollegeScorecard has put out updated data that requires us to update our data visualizations. Many of the charts were built with Sept. 26 data. There is an Oct. 30 dataset that makes enough changes on default rates, debt and other metrics that we should use it. These differences became apparent in the editing process. Everyone used College Scorecard data so we all have to deal with the update.
Second, anyone using Debt_Mdn should be using GRAD_DEBT_MDN instead in their charts. The reason? Debt_Mdn is artificially reducing the scale of the student loan debt.
Debt_Mdn is aggregated by institution. 
GRAD_DEBT_MDN is aggregated by individuals. So someone who transferred from Hendrix to UofA would have that Hendrix debt factored in when they graduate from UofA.
Below is a video on how to update your CollegeScorecard visualizations in Tableau.
Here are the basic steps:
1) Create a new Tableau workbook and import the Oct30 data. It is here:ARDebt10-30-18
2) Open your existing Tableau workbook that used the Sept 26 data. Select the visualization, select its tab, left click and copy
3) Move to the new Tableau workbook with the Oct30 data. Select a blank worksheet. Left click and paste
Your visualization has now been pasted with the Sept. 30 data
4) On the Tableau toolbar, Select Data | Replace Data Source. It will say existing source is Sept 26. Select Oct 30 data as replacement
5) BOOM. You are done.
Things that can go wrong:
–Ensure your data that you want to chart is listed in the measures pane. Grad_Debt_Mdn or CDR3 may need to be converted to measures for this to work properly.

Jour 5283: Pivot Table

Pivot Table Class Exercise: MA Students
Univ of Arkansas, Fayetteville financials
1) Watch Video On Gathering Financials, Pivot Table and Making A Chart

2. Open Adobe Acrobat Pro.
3. Download this document and open in Adobe Acrobat Pro. University of Arkansas financial report June 2016
(Data Note: Data in this exercise represents revenues pledged for repayment of various bond issues. They do not represent the full budget. If you are curious about that, see:
4. Find “UAF Various Facility Pledged Revenues” from Pg. 3.
Highlight the table.
Cntl + click to bring up Menu. Select “Export Selection As…”
Export it as an Excel table.
You can only do this in Adobe Acrobat Pro
5. Check and verify your data was imported correctly. Check the totals against the original file.
Copy your data into a new tab.
Create a tab with a data biography, write down the source of your information.
6. Format into dollars, no decimals. Delete Totals Row. 
7. Insert New Column A to Categorize Revenues
Title Column “Category”
Code the “Tuition and Fees” and “Bookstore” as “School” in the new Category Column
Everything else is categorized as “Other” 
8. Create Pivot table.
Select just the data you downloaded, not the whole sheet
From the Main Menu: Data | Summarize with Pivot Table
A box appears with the select Table and Range and New Worksheet filled in. Select OK
9. Design Pivot Table
Drag Category field into rows
Drag 2012 and 2016 into Values
You have created a Table with two Columns and Two Rows Summarizing the Revenues from 2012 to 2016
10. In Column D, Create a Percentage Change Calculation, 2012-2016
Cell D4 Type formula =(C4-B4)/B4 for Other
Cell D5 Type formula =(C5-B5)/B5 for School
Cell D6 Type formula =(C6-B6)/B6 for School
Format as Percentage
11. Write a short news lead describing your main conclusions from this data
Part 2: Chart
5. Copy Data and “Paste as Values” into a new Tab
6. Delete “Sum 2012” and “Sum 2016″ columns. That leaves two columns, Row Labels and Pct Change
Highlight Source and % change,
On the ribbon bar in Excel, Click Insert and Select Clustered Chart.

FBI Exercise #2

Gather the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting, Data For All Arkansas Cities, All Crimes
Fill in the gaps of the population data using the 2014 Census Figures from this table:
Question #1: Using the four corners test, describe
—The number of cities
—How is the crime rate organized?
Question #2: Sorting.
Fayetteville is ranked what statewide for total property crime because of which type of crime?
Question #3: Calculations
Calculate a violent crime rate per 1,000 people and a property crime rate per 1,000 for all Arkansas places
Answer these questions
–The place with the highest violent crime rate in Arkansas in 2014 is xxx with a violent crime rate of xxx per 1,000
–The place with the highest property crime ratein Arkansas in 2014 is xxx with a property crime rate of xxx per 1,000
–Fayetteville’s property crime rate  is XXX per 1,000, PLACING It #  statewide.
–Fayetteville’s violent crime rate is xxx per 1,000, PLACING It #  statewide