Week #15: Multimedia
Tableau Queen
Megan Putney, Mike’s Hard Lemonade

Almost there!
- Hold off on social media promotion until you get the go-ahead email from me. Other professors doing check.
- Review the stories. Check for gaps, missing stories, etc.
- Stories still pending: Baird, Bonner, Duby, Fracchia/Tillson, Ramirez
What you have learned this semester
You can put this on your resume:
–Proficiency in basic Tableau
–Proficiency in Excel
–Basic training in data analysis and visualization
–Multimedia production in WordPress
Data Cleaning and Joining Exercise
–You will join the CollegeScorecard data with 2017 Census Data with the average household income
The goal is to compare the average student debt in a college to the income in the surrounding town.
This in-class task will stretch over two class sessions, unless you are a DATA KING OR QUEEN
This exercise builds on the data analysis, cleaning and visualization skills you learned this semester.
Task 1: Retrieve the Census Data
Use Excel
–Examine the data dictionary.
–Examine the data, the range of incomes and number of cities, towns and places
–Create a copy of the Census sheet for the data cleaning
Task 2: Data Cleaning
You will need to match the town in the Census to the city in College Scorecard.
Look at the “city” column in the College Scorecard data: ARDebt17_10_23.csv
–Tip: Data cleaning tools in Excel: Text to columns and find and replace
Task 3: Joining
–Join the Census data to the ARDebt17_10_23.csv in Tableau
–Chart the Income and the Grad debt by the 10 largest public schools
Task 4: Analysis
–Construct a Ratio of Grad Debt to Per Capita Income. Map it
Data Literacy – Number in the Newsroom Exercises
–Reversing Percent Differences
–Adjust for Inflation
–Weighted Averages
Embedding Video, Photos in Tableau Workbooks
Build Animated Student Loan Graphic – Make Screen Video – Add to Posts
Look at the data structure: Tidy Data
1) Process Data (2008-2016)
–R Demonstration using Student Loan Data Management 10-15-19.R
—Examine Combined Data
2) Build Animated Student Loan Debt, 2008-16
3) Screen video
4) Embed in post, loop, autoplay
Embedding Videos in Tableau
Add video to published Razorback Reporter stories
New York Semester. Tuesday, Dec. 3, 3:30 p.m., Student Media Conference Room
Spend a semester learning from top-notch journalism faculty and interning at a news media organization in the journalism capital of America. Led by Wall Street Journal veteran Professor Paul Glader and New York Daily News veteran Professor Clemente Lisi, the NYC Semester in Journalism (NYCJ) program includes newsroom visits to outlets such as BuzzFeed, The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press and ProPublica. Students in the program have interned at outlets such as The New York Daily News, The Brooklyn Paper and Newsweek. They have heard from journalists from outlets such as The New York Times, SkyNews and Reuters. Studying with professors who are deeply rooted in Christian faith, NYCJ students cultivate their commitment to the truth and the skill to tell it well. https://www.tkc.edu/nycs
Course Evaluation
- Check for an e-mail with instructions on how to access the evaluation .
- These are important to the future of this class: I use these to modify and improve the course
- They are important in shaping departmental and program curriculum.
- The online evaluations are confidential. Results won’t be reported until final grades have been submitted.
Census Data
Reading Data Dictionaries
WordPress details
Build a Cover Image Using Canva or InDesign or Powerpoint
Week #16: Multimedia, Project #3
Past Classes
Week #3: Data, Tableau
Review Quiz
Pivot Tables
Numbers in the Newsroom
Numeracy; Filtering
Homework - discussion questions
File and Data Management
Link for this week:
File and Data Management
Exercise Filtering: Crime Rates and Ratios
–Find Average Crime Rate Statewide
–Filter above and below average
–Find Average Population
–Filter above and below average
NICAR coursepack: Pivot Tables
In class exercise: MLB Salaries
1) Did the National League or the American League pay more in salaries? Who has the higher average salary?
2) Which division pays the most in salaries? The least?
3) Which team had the most players on the roster?
In-class exercise WorldBank
Using the WorldBank data , build a Pivot Table.
–Trick: Shift+Ctrl+8
–Produce a list ranking the countries with the most companies disbarred, sorted descending. Copy the results and paste into a new tab.
–Produce a list of the firms that have more than one disbarment, sorted descending. Copy the results and paste into a new tab.
What is the most common violation, and how many times did it occur?
Cohen, Sarah. Numbers in the Newsroom: Using Math and Statistics in News. 2nd ed. Columbia, Mo.: Investigative Reporters & Editors Inc., 2014. Figuring Rates – Numbers in Newsroom
Read AP chapter on data journalism
12-Sep Rates and Ratios – Tableau
Exploratory Data Analysis
Part 2 Data Dictionary
Tableau: https://wordpressua.uark.edu/datareporting/tableau-license/
Introduction to College Scorecard Data: https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/
Read Overview from Paul Bradshaw on basic data journalism.
Meyer, “New Precision Journalism,” Ch. 1-2
Homework for Sept. 11
Discussion questions
Cohen, Sarah. Numbers in the Newsroom: Using Math and Statistics in News. 2nd ed. Columbia, Mo.: Investigative Reporters & Editors Inc., 2014.
Cohen Figuring Rates Numbers in Newsroom.pdf
Cohen Numbers in Newsroom – Common mistakes.pdf
Write a paragraph with at least two questions or observations.
Read AP chapter on data journalism
Write one paragraph with major findings in this reading.
Data management
Show me a screenshot of your data diary and a screen shot of your Finder path showing the file folders for your external drive.
Homework for Sept. 14
#1. Read Ch. 6, Chapter 6 The Truthful Art
Post two discussion questions on Blackboard
#2. Read “New Precision Journalism” Ch 1-2
Meyer writes: “Precision journalism threatened the twin traditions of journalistic passivity and journalistic innocence.” What does he mean by that? What are the implications of this? Write a paragraph to answer the questions.
#3: Construct chart from student loan data: Median Debt by Graduated Students. Post a .jpeg file (screen grab is fine) and two sentences with key findings or questions for further reporting. Due 11:59 pm Sept 14 on Blackboard
Week #4: Tableau
Basic Data Visualization principles
Reading data dictionary
Student Loan Data -Data Dictionary
Pivot Tables
Review Homework Questions
Basic Data Visualization Principles
Tableau: https://wordpressua.uark.edu/datareporting/tableau-license/
Introduction to College Scorecard Data: https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/
1) Examine definitions on Full Data Documentation and CollegeScorecardDataDictionary.
2) Build Tableau bar chart, enrollment by race, schools with 5,000 or more students.
Class Exercise on College Scorecard Data:
–This comes from https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/data/
–Filtered Arkansas from National Data
–Question: How many columns? How many rows?
–Column headings defined in Data Dictionary
One bite at a time!
Review Data Dictionary.
–Filter dev-category on data-dictionary tab
–Review the categories.
–Tell us how many items per category
–Identify 1 or 2 items by VARIABLE NAME from each that you consider important for telling a story about student loans.
–Share with the class.
–Put categories on Sticky Notes.
–Build Filtered Spreadsheet
For example:
dev-category: school
–15 items
–TUITFTE is tuition revenue per fte. Looks useful to see the amount of money per staff person at school
Row 1: academics, admission
Row 2: aid, completion
Row 3: cost, earnings
Row 4: repayment, student
Create Tableau chart, top 10 schools by student race/ethnicity:
Chart 1: White schools
Chart 2: African-American schools
Chart 3: Hispanic schools
Chart 4: White, black, hispanic, asian
–Columns SUM(Ugds White) SUM(Ugds Black) etc
–Sort by individual columns
Format Labels from “Sum of Ugds White” to White
Ditto for Black, Hispanic, Asian
Wrap the labels: Mouse between rows, expand the spacing – make the rows fatter
Format | Wrap On
Create Tableau chart, create ratio Grad_Debt_Mdn/Enrollment per school
Create Excel Sheet, ARDebt9-17, with the Following Fields
(Enrollment and Demographics)
(Debt and Income and Gender)
Part 3:
Class Exercise: Student Loans – Pivot Table
Analyze Student Loan Data
Sort the Data:
-Sort by Schools with Largest Enrollment. Write a text answer with the top five schools by enrollment.
-Sort by Schools with Highest Median Debt for Graduates. Write a text answer with the top five schools by Median Debt for Graduates.
-Sort by Schools with Highest Median Debt for Student Who Withdrew. Write a text answer with the top five schools byHighest Median Debt for Student Who Withdrew.
Homework for Sept 18
Finish class exercise for College Scorecard Data
Homework for Sept. 21
New data table.
1. Build the new Excel sheet, ARDebt9-17, with the columns as described above. Create a data dictionary. Upload to Blackboard.
Create the following charts in Tableau:
2. Top 10 schools with the most low income debtors and high income debtors. Create jpg, upload to Blackboard
3. Top 10 schools with highest median debt for females, highest for males. Create jpg, upload to Blackboard
4. Write 250 words with your analysis of this data and propose one story idea.
Answers due 11:59 pm Sept. 21 on Blackboard

Week #5: Online Class – Tableau
Week #6: Tableau – Assignment #1
Tableau Basics
Student Loan Data / Tableau
Homework: Tableau
Pivot Tables, Data Cleaning: =Trim, Paste Special, Values, Transpose, Find and Replace
Week #7: Tableau
8-Oct Maps
Review Assignment #1
Basic Mapping
Exploratory data analysis with Tableau
Importing, continue with charts
Student Loan Data
16-Oct Mapping in Tableau
Update on Assignment #1: Photos, headlines. Build shell for stories on Razorbackreporter
–Do not upload text. Final edits pending.
–Upload photos, selected graphics.
–When ready, “For Review.”
–Have WordPress shells with headline, graphics and photos ready by 11:59 p.m. Sat Oct 19.
–Each student will post the link to your group’s story shell on Blackboard.
Create new Student Loan Data with Default Rates
–Using R to Build Tables
New Data:
Using Tableau Public to Host Graphics
–Create Tableau Public account if you haven’t already
–Load your student loan graphic to Tableau Public.
Using WordPress
–Author powers
–To access back end of datareporting:
Login with UARK credentials.
Quick tips on Gutenberg editor
Embed Tableau in WordPress
–Post on WordPress.
Create a new post
Use Divi Builder, the Purple box above the formatting bar
Insert columns, pick a full row
Insert module, pick </> Code
Paste your Tableau Public embed code in the Content box
Scroll down, change the Admin Label to My Mind-Blowing Tableau Graphic (or something more humble). Save and Exit
Change Page Layout (upper right corner) to Fullwidth. Publish
Revel in your nerd powers
Default Map
Build a chart with the Arkansas schools with the highest default rates
Now map that data
–Longitude to Columns, Latitude to Rows. Don’t use Longitude (generated). Generates a blank Arkansas map
–Instnm to Labels. Your map now has all colleges
–CDR3 to Color. Green-Red Diverging, with Red as highest default
–Filter by CDR3 for top 10 default rates in state
Telling a Story With Data: Interactive Dashboards.
Search for Dashboard:
Wells dashboard
Class Exercise:
–Build A Dashboard Using Existing Maps and Graphics
Pane #1: Map
Pane #2: Graphic
Pane #3: Graphic with a slider to let readers interact with data (sort by most low-income student debt. sort by highest enrollment by race. sort by highest median debt. etc)
Create a Dashboard With The Following Elements
–Abbi and Parker:
Pane #1: Map of Default rates for colleges with more than statewide average of White enrollment.
Pane #2: Map of Default rates for colleges with more than statewide average of Black enrollment.
Pane #3: Map of Default rates for colleges with more than statewide average of Hispanic enrollment.
–The Marys and Elena:
Pane #1: Map of Default rates for colleges with more than statewide average first generation student debt.
Pane #2: Map of colleges with top 10 first generation student debt
Pane #3: Chart of first generation student debt for public, private colleges (see “control” column, check College Scorecard data dictionary)
–Hanna, Sophie, Kate:
Pane #1: Default rates for colleges with more than statewide average low-income student debt.
Pane #2: Chart of colleges with more than statewide average Pell Grant Debt
Pane #3: Map of top 10 colleges showing most students with Pell Grants (PELL_EVER)
–Kirsten, Coleman, Abby:
Pane #1: Map of the female-male debt gap, the top 10 universities with the biggest gap.
Pane #2: Map of total female debt by school statewide
Pane #3: Chart of Male-Female Debt, statewide
–Brooke and Emily:
Pane #1: Map of top 10 default rates for public universities, plus describe average default rate for all public universities. (See data dictionary on College Scorecard for control)
Pane #2: Map of top 10 default rates for private universities. (See data dictionary on College Scorecard for control)
Pane #3: Chart of top 15 universities by Grad_Debt_Mdn, colored by private vs public institutions
Each team creates a single dashboard.
Post dashboard on Tableau Public.
On datareporting WordPress, create a post, embed the dashboard using the Tableau Public embed code. Write a two-paragraph analysis of your findings (200 words) on that blog post.
Each student submits a link with the WordPress post for this assignment. Due Saturday, 11:59 p.m.
Week #9: Tableau
Week #10: Data Viz
Higher Resolution Graphics in Tableau
–Embed with Tableau Public
Question: “a problem with the map titled “First-Generation Debt Higher than State Average.” We are seeing asterisks in areas where schools are being averaged together because of the same zip codes.”
Solution: Drag the College Name (INSTNM) to Tooltip again. That clears up the asterisk problem.
Question: no titles for each graphic,
Solution: Drag your graphics into a Dashboard. Then drag the Dashboard into a story. Your headlines will appear that way.
Question: fat bars for the chart
Solution: Tell the bars to stop eating at Pizza Hut.
Question: really, what about the fat bars for the chart
Solution: See the attached video.
Homework: Reading on Racial Disparity in Loans
Student loans and Morehouse
$1.5 trillion of student loan debt has transformed the American dream
Black-White Disparity in Student Loan Debt More Than Triples After Graduation
Young, Black, and (Still) in the Red: Parental Wealth, Race, and Student Loan Debt
Black women have most debt
Presentation at Investigative Reporters and Editors on Student Loans, Higher Ed Beat
Higher Resolution Graphics in Tableau
Discuss Assignment #2 Proposals
Discuss student loans and race
Goldrick-Rab, Sara, Robert Kelchen, and Jason Houle. “The Color of Student Debt: Implications of Federal Loan Program Reforms for Black Students and Historically Black Colleges and Universities.” University of Wisconsin: Wisconsin Hope Lab, School of Education, September 2014.
Higher Resolution Photos: at least 72 DPI. Practically, should be higher.
–500k or more is a safe bet
–Cropping reduces file size. Grainy
Guidance: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/59/Image_resolutions.pdf
Higher Resolution Graphics in Tableau
Tableau Can Be Dangerous, Part 1
–The evils of the inner-join and how it can mess up your math.
Need to produce higher resolution graphics in Tableau
Tableau Can Be Dangerous, Part 1
–The evils of the inner-join and how it can mess up your math.
Research – Data on Race and Lending
College Scorecard draws from multiple databases.
It provides details about student race/ethnicity by enrollment.
It provides details about defaults and median debt by institution.
It does not provide details about race/ethnicity by loan amount per institution.
But it does provide details about race/ethnicity by loan amount and defaults statewide.
It provides details about percentage of low-income students
It provides details about percentage of Pell grant recipients.
Question: What are some strategies to tell the stories about student loan debt by race and ethnicity given these limitations?
Jot down your ideas on this document:
Suggestion: Look at data dictionary for source of this information. All 1,826 columns explained here.
It does not provide details about race/ethnicity by loan amount per institution.
But it does provide details about race/ethnicity by loan amount and defaults statewide
Question: What are some strategies to tell the stories about student loan debt by race and ethnicity given these limitations?
Suggestion: Look at data dictionary for source of this information. All 1,826 columns explained here.
Discuss student loans and race
Goldrick-Rab, Sara, Robert Kelchen, and Jason Houle. “The Color of Student Debt: Implications of Federal Loan Program Reforms for Black Students and Historically Black Colleges and Universities.” University of Wisconsin: Wisconsin Hope Lab, School of Education, September 2014.
Key points:
Brief History of Federal Student Loans
Loan amounts white-black students were about the same. So what’s the big deal?
Key differences between HBCUs and majority white institutions
For Your Background: More Student Loan Readings
Week #12: Data Cleaning, Analysis
14-Nov Data Analysis
Student Loan Calculator
Census Data
Student Loan Explainer
Student Loan Explainer
—What did you learn from this and how will it shape your interview questions?
Hennigan: No co-signer!
The maximum an undergraduate can borrow from federal student loans is $31,000 and most don’t require a credit check or co-signer.
Brooke: This would not be correct since a person’s credit score would limit private borrowing.
“Any amount of private loans can be taken out at banks and credit unions regardless of a student’s financial situation. “
If you are, say, a New York-based real estate developer who borrowed excessively and then filed for bankruptcy six times, you might have trouble getting a loan. Just to pick a random example…
Student Loan Calculator:
The current interest rate for subsidized loans for undergraduate students is 5.05% and is subject to change July, 1, 2019, according to Arkansas Student Loan Authority.

Super basic compounding interest formula
Monthly payment formula
Future value
College Loan Calculator from Excel
Census Data
Census Data
Reading Data Dictionaries
Data will meet Monday, Nov. 18, 1:30 pm-2:45 pm. Jordan will take the data time slot on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 9:30 a-10:45 a
Data will have an online class Thursday, Nov. 21. There will be no class meeting that day.
18-Nov Basic Animation
Follow this tutorial and build a basic animation of a graphic in Tableau
Week #13: Census Data – Visualization

Story Pitches Assignment #3
Loan Data By Race – Statewide
–How data is organized for animation
–Demonstration with R
–Use one of your previous visualizations and animate it
–Tableau playback issue
Revisions to Assignment #2
Animation Issue
Tableau Public doesn’t allow the play button to display.
Play button missing from Published Dashboard |Tableau Community Forums
What is a workaround you would employ to achieve the same end?