Coding Time

SQL Is Fun
- What does SQL stand for?
- What is SQL and Why Do I Need It? Relational database. “SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases.”
- How Does It Work?
- When Can We Get Started? I Can’t Wait!
This week:
–Orientation with the queries and logic of basic SQL commands
–Import data and create a database
Part 1:Basic Commands.
We will be using this sample database called customers for these drills. Take a look at it.
This data is in our SQL tutorial. Here’s how we extract and filter the records to get what we want.
Major Commands:
SELECT: You tell the database what columns you want.
If you want everything, SELECT *
Example: SELECT * FROM Customers;
–Retrieves EVERYTHING (*) from the database called Customers
SELECT CustomerName FROM Customers;
–Retrieves CustmerName from the database called Customers
FROM: The basic command that just identifies which table you’re pulling data from.
Example: SELECT * FROM Customers;
–Retrieves EVERYTHING (*) from the database called Customers
WHERE: A filter. Allows you to grab only certain records do numerical and text string, or a horizontal slice of your data; you set criteria that has to be true in order for rows to be returned
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ContactName “Maria Anders”;
–retrieves all records with Maria Anders as contact name
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ContactName LIKE “Maria%”;
–retrieves all records with Maria in ContactName. Note the addition of LIke and the wildcard %
Work on the tutorial:
TIP: Print our the table names and the first 2-3 rows of data as a reference
GROUP BY – this groups rows together by a certain field or fields so that you can do math on those groups, such as counting the number of records in each group or summing up the numbers in a field.
SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country
FROM Customers
GROUP BY Country;
–Here we are counting the number of countries in the database
Remember this command is paired with putting an aggregate function in your SELECT statement, such as COUNT(*) or SUM(noncitizen)
ORDER BY – this sorts your results by a field or fields, ascending (default) or descending (DESC)
SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country
FROM Customers
GROUP BY Country;
–Produces a list ordered by country, alphabetized
List of countries in descending order:
SELECT * FROM Customers
- Find the total number of cities in the database, sort by descending order
- List all of the business in the United States, sorting alphabetically by city
- Produce a list of all that counts all of the customers by countries in the database, sorted by descending order
Switzerland has how many customers?
United States?
Quick Reference Sheet for these commands:
More Exercises
–Update the first record contact name to Larry Foley
How to Totally Screw Up A Database with an Update Function – Eliminate WHERE
UPDATE Customers
SET ContactName=‘Fat Fingered Idiot’;
(Reset the database after this)
How do we identify the product?
How do we identify the product with highest price?
SQL – Importing Data, Creating a Database
For this exercise, we will be using an open source database manager called SQLite that runs as an extension to Firefox. It basically turns your browser into a database program. Firefox Add-On:
Create a database
Get Stuff From The Database
SQL exercises
–Update the first record contact name to Larry Foley
How to Totally Screw Up A Database with an Update Function – Eliminate WHERE
UPDATE Customers
SET ContactName=‘Fat Fingered Idiot’;
(Reset the database after this)
How do we identify the product?
How do we identify the product with highest price?
Do not turn in any work for Tuesday. Use the Firefox and the SQL Lite Manager read the first section on importing data in this tipsheet: MySQL_Tipsheet-rsw using this data FL_nativity
Try to create a new database (see instructions on this page) and perform some basic queries.