Agenda for Monday, Aug 27

Review Homework

Student Loan Navigator Website

Rates and Ratios

Excel Exercise on FBI Data

Quiz Wednesday on Excel


Homework Due Saturday, 11:59 pm

Follow and complete the tasks in the Exericse 2 of the NICAR copurse pack, analyzing change in tuition. Use the University of Arkansas data from the College Navigator website.

Submit Excel spreadsheet and a brief two-paragraph discussion highlighting your findings on a WordPress blog. Answer these questions.

Analyze the estimated tuition, fees and living expenses data for students to help you answer the questions below.
1) How much would an in-state student expect to pay for the 2017-2018 school year?
2) How much would an out-of-state student expect to pay for the 2017-2018 school year?
3) How much more did out-of-students pay in 2017-2018 than in-state students?
4) Which category increased the most from the 2014-2015 to the 2017-2018 school years? Raw change? Percent
5) Write a lead for a story based on your analysis.
6) What other information and/or sources would help you finish this story?


College Navigator exercise – rsw-2e62e34

 Numbers in the Newsroom


Sarah Cohen, Math Diva

Sarah Cohen’s “Numbers in the Newsroom” is a classic in journalism numeracy. She is a Pulitzer-winning journalist at The Washington Post,  a data journalist at The New York Times and has taught at Duke University and now at Arizona State University.


* Limit yourself to 8- 12 digits, including dates such as 2012, in a single paragraph.
–This allows us to stress the most important numbers
–Simplify using rates, rations or percentages. “One in four” = ratio or rate. “Forty percent” = ratio or rate. 235 deaths per 100,000 is another.

*Memorize some common numbers on your beat: Population of Fayetteville. Population of Arkansas. Population of the U.S. Per capita income Arkansas and U.S.

*Round off! Unless you’re dealing with really small numbers, decimal points may not be meaningful. “I’m a big fan of rounding,” Cohen said.

* To make a very small number more understandable, divide it into 1. For example, .0081 is the proportion of the U.S. population who die every year. 1/.0081 translates to 1 in every 124 Americans die each year.
* If you have a story filled with numbers – and not people — it needs to be really, really short.

* Portion of whole – For example, at the time of the Million Man March in 1995, a turnout of 1 million black men would have represented 1/12th of all the black men in the country at the time.
Review: —Review Numbers in the Newsroom, through p. 25


Relative Risk


Relative Risk


“Black applicants are denied mortgages at twice the rate of whites with similar incomes.”

if 20 smokers per thousand contract cancer, and yet non-smokers have a cancer rate of only 10 per thousand, the relative risk of smoking is 2.

“More than” or “less than” = compute difference between the smokers, an extra step


Exercise: We know Blytheville has the highest crime rate per capita. What is the relative risk in Blytheville versus Fayetteville?
 1) Blytheville residents have a violent crime rate XX times that of Fayetteville
2) Blytheville residents are XXX times more likely to be victims of violent crime than people in Fayetteville.

Review: Rates and Ratios

Gather the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting, Data For All Arkansas Cities, All Crimes

Fill in the gaps of the population data using the 2014 Census Figures from this table:


Question #1: Using the four corners test, describe

—The number of cities

—How is the crime rate organized?

Question #2: Sorting.

Fayetteville is ranked what statewide for total property crime because of which type of crime?

Question #3: Calculations

Calculate a violent crime rate per 1,000 people and a property crime rate per 1,000 for all Arkansas places

Answer these questions

–The place with the highest violent crime rate in Arkansas in 2014 is xxx with a violent crime rate of xxx per 1,000

–The place with the highest property crime ratein Arkansas in 2014 is xxx with a property crime rate of xxx per 1,000

–Fayetteville’s property crime rate  is XXX per 1,000, PLACING It #  statewide.

–Fayetteville’s violent crime rate is xxx per 1,000, PLACING It #  statewide



Quiz Wednesday

Basic Excel. Topics entering data, cursors, formatting, sum, average, median, change, percent change. Practice using change, percent change and sorting

Homework, Due 11:59 pm Tuesday.


Look at the student loan readings on the class blog. Pick at least three articles, write three paragraphs on common themes among these articles. Include any questions or suggestions for story ideas for our class project. Post your comments on the blog with your name, date and class assignment in the title of the blog post.

Thank you.