Agenda for Wednesday, August 29

  1. Excel Quiz in Blackboard. 45 minutes max.
  2. Pivot Table Exercises. Work on Your Own Once You Finish the Quiz.
  3. Class discussion Pivot Tables

Calculations and Pivot Tables

Introduction to Pivot Tables

Follow this NICAR tutorial:  PivotTables-rjty0y

Use the data: MLB2015-1-1w6gc5m

World Bank listing: worldbank





Due 11:59 pm Saturday, Sept. 1

*Updated* Post on Blackboard with your spreadsheet to this link. 

Using the WorldBank data in the previous example, build a Pivot Table. 

  1. Produce a list ranking the countries with the most companies disbarred, sorted descending. Copy the results and paste into a new tab.
  2. Produce a list of the firms that have more than one disbarment, sorted descending. Copy the results and paste into a new tab.
  3. What is the most common violation, and how many times did it occur?