Class Agenda

Syllabus / Schedule

Email to students.

Intro Excel, WordPress.
–Create a blog post
–Refresher Excel exercise

Basics of data analysis.


Work with poverty data with census.

Data Source: BLS working poor

Basics of Data Analysis

Reliability: How sure are we that we got the right answer? That we’ve done everything correctly?
Replicability: If we had to do it all again, would we get the same answer? If someone else did it, would they?
Transparency: If our results are challenged, can we show exactly what we’ve done to defend it?
–Matt Waite
Data Analysis
— Review methodology with one or more other data people
— Check results to other available comparable data
— Ensure all record counts are consistent across stages
— Check averages
— Examine outputs to ensure logical consistency (do things that should add up to 100% add up to 100%?)
— Recheck all coding line by line if possible or in aggregate if not
— Re-read all programs/scripts
— Re-run entire analysis from scratch
— Check each number against analysis or source material prior to publication
— Recheck each number against analysis or source material on each draft
By Daniel Lathrop. Dallas Morning News

In Class Data Exercise

Excel: Poverty Data  

 Table A. Poverty status of people and primary families in the labor force for 27 weeks or more, 2007–15 (Numbers in thousands)
Define the term “Working Poor.”
Cohen reading: Think in ratios – construct a ratio on the poverty beat. Memorize common numbers on the beat
Tableau Software
Thank you for your interest in the Tableau for Teaching program. Each student should go to the landing page to download Tableau Desktop and enter the product key noted below.
* Download the latest version of Tableau Desktop here
* Click on the link above and select Get Started. On the form, enter your school email address for Business E-mail and enter the name of your school for Organization.
* Activate with your product key: TDZ2-6CDB-7080-31DA-7F7C
* Already have a copy of Tableau Desktop installed? Update your license in the application: Help menu -> Manage Product Keys
Are your students new to Tableau? Share our free Data Analytics for University Students guide to help them get started.


For Readings for Jan 25
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. Macmillan, 2001. Introduction, Ch. 1
Cohen, Sarah. Numbers in the Newsroom. Ch. 1-2, focus on Rates and Ratios.

Data Homework: Blog post with census household data by county. Highest and lowest median household income. Use this data: Simplified Poverty SS

Blog, due 11:59 pm Tuesday, Jan 23:

1) Nickel & Dimed: Ehrenreich provides a roadmap for how to write about the working poor. I want you to describe some of the issues she has to confront as she moves into this new life – housing, transportation, food and so forth.

2) Based on this reading, begin to develop questions for interview subjects about their experience in the low-wage labor force. Include ideas of where you would go and contact people for our stories.

Bonus: Go and speak to actual people.

Refresher: Basic Excel

NICAR Coursepack: Basics and Sorting in Excel 

Open sample dataset: citybudget.xls

1. Make a copy

2. Four corners test

3. Check the math

4. Sorting

5. Percentage Change

Background and Help:

—> Tutorial Video

Information on tutorial videos.