Interviewing Tips and Bibliography


<iframe src="" width="100%" height="290" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" title="NPR embedded audio player"></iframe>





Using the Zoom H4N Recorder

Editing audio

Not so free software: Adobe Audition


Adobe Audition Editing Drill

File | Import | Filename .. xxx.wav

Play audio. Controls at bottom.

Expand view — Magnifying glass: Zoom In – Time

Define / Highlight section to cut.

Edit | Cut

Save As New File – Adobe Audition File

Export as an .wav file.

Sample Rate: 44100. Stereo. 24 bits.

Assign correct folder

Fade in and Fade out Audio





Free software for your laptops



Jon Schleuss – March 1




Map Low Wage Workers in Arkansas

Use US Ark Counties Poverty ACS_16_5YR_DP03 – Poverty Income

In Dimensions, copy Geography (cntl + click, duplicate). Rename Geography1
Then convert the data to Geography
–Geographic Role | Counties

Drag Geography1 to Columns. % Total Under 25k to Rows
Select Map Icon under Show Me.

You should have the state of Arkansas and dots within the borders.

Not all show up! To fix:

Top Menu Bar:

Map | Edit Locations | State – Change to Arkansas


(Arkansas and United States don’t show up – deal with that later)

Color, Label, Format, Name counties.

Marks | Maps will fill out the geographies.


Fiddle, Tweak, Obsess
Fiddle, Tweak, Obsess
Fiddle, Tweak, Obsess




Mapping in Tableau



Sample Workbook



Create a Reference Line for Poverty

Use the US Ark Counties Poverty ACS_16_5YR_DP03 data – the income-poverty data.

Fire up Tableau

Step 1 – Build the View

  1. Drag % Female Households – Children 5 Years to the Rows shelf.
  2. Drag Geography to the Columns shelf.

Step 2 – Create Parameters

  1. Right-click in the Data pane and then select Create Parameter.
  2. Name the parameter “Arkansas Average”.
  3. Under Data Type select Integer.
  4. Under Current Value, set to 55.8
  5. Under Allowable values select All.
  6. Click OK.

Step 3: Create the calculated field

  1. Select Analysis > Create Calculated Field.
  2. Name the calculated field “Reference Line”.
  3. In the formula field, enter the following formula:
  4. IF[% Female Households – Children 5 years younger]=[Arkansas Average] THEN [Arkansas Average] END
  5. Click OK.

Step 4 – Use the calculated field as a Parameter Control

  1. Drag the “Reference Line “calculated field to Details. This is the box below Color in the Marks Card
  2. Click the arrow to change the measure from SUM to Minimum.
  3. In the view, right-click on the Y axis and select Add Reference Line.
  4. In the Value drop down menu, select Minimum(Reference Line).
  5. In the Label drop-down menu, select Value.
  6. Click OK.




Post two questions for Schleuss here.

–Fix your graphics so I can send them to Schleuss and Ampezzan this weekend. Email me when you’re done

Finish Assignment #2 : Due 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Feb 28. Post on WordPress.