Tableau Dashboards
Review interactive graphic. Interactive graphics – Tableau Dashboards. Visual narrative tricks
Follow this Tableau Dashboard Tutorial
Dashboards with Poverty Data
Fix Your Assignment #2, post on WordPress by 11:59 pm Wednesday, March 7
Build a Tableau Dashboard with the following elements:
- A map of poverty rates statewide with a filter to allow readers to interact with the data
- A chart comparing workers by county with total incomes below $25,000 to the county median income. Filter this to the six Northwest Arkansas counties: Benton,Carroll, Crawford, Madison, Sebastian, Washington,
- A chart of single mother households in poverty, Filter this to the six Northwest Arkansas counties: Benton,Carroll, Crawford, Madison, Sebastian, Washington
Format and size so everything is legible. This takes time!
Post your dashboard on Tableau Public. You will need to create a separate Tableau Public account.
Capture the embed code and post it on WordPress. Also post the url of the Tableau Public page.
This is due 11:59 pm Friday, March 9 on WordPress