
-Review Tableau Assignment and Interactive Graphics

-Review Updated Stories

-Hello World: Coding Time with R Studio



Tableau Interactive Graphics

Dashboards with Poverty Data.

Sizing and Formatting. Navigation from Dashboard to Actual Graphic.

Simplicity in Design for Dashboard,

Space for Central Element.

Filters: Basic Filters and Filter as Sheet


Basic Filter: Applies to One Worksheet

–Click upper righthand menu on graphic, see Filters, select the appropriate data source. Here it would be total incomes under $25,000.
–Filter is created and placed at the bottom of graphic. You can format and move the filter.
–Drag by tab in upper center of filter object. Move it to the top of the filtered graphic.

“Super Filter”: Add a Filter to Control All Cities on Worksheet

Filters on Dashboards
When we click through a filter, we see that by default, it only applies to the view it came
out with. We can make this filter apply to the entire dashboard.

–Click on the filter (down triangle icon), open the menu.
–Apply to Worksheets, select “all related data sources”
Now when we make a selection, it applies to the whole dashboard

Similarly, we can make a view act as a filter for the dashboard. Click on the view to bring
up the header bar, and click the filter icon. Now if we select a header such as Second
Class, all the relevant views are filtered.

Exercise: Format Workbook for A Phone

A majority of our readers will view these stories on their phones. For the Fall 2017 Veterans Health Care project, some 70 percent of the readership was on a mobile device. Schleuss said the Los Angeles Times receives about 55 percent of its traffic on mobile devices.

Let’s format this workbook for mobile. The design choices will be radically different.

–Duplicate your workbook
–Design it with the mobile template on the left: See Upper Left Tab: Dashboard: Device Preview. Switch to Phone
–Before doing any radical surgery to your graphics, consider duplicating them and bringing in the new versions into the mobile template.


Introducing R Studio


Open R Studio on Your Desktop.

Download this tutorial and open it in R Studio

Introduction to R 3-15-18-1qjeyhw


Assignment #3:

Advanced Reporting & Data Analysis
Jour 405V Sec. 7, Spring 2018
Assignment #3: Interview and Data
Due 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, March 28. Post on WordPress
Write a 500-word news story based on an interview with a person classified as working poor in Northwest Arkansas.
Illustrate this post with the following:

    1. A photo of your interview subject
    2. A chart that illustrates details about this person’s occupation. Draw this from the BLS Occupational Employment Statistics database
    3. Produce a 30-second – maximum 2 minute audio clip from your interview. Introduce your subject and the context of the interview, like you would hear on a podcast. Embed this in the blog post.


Additional Material for Graduate Students:

A second interview, with a photo and brief audio clip, as described above. No graphics needed for the second interview.


Post the interview, graphic and photo in a single blog post, weaving them together to tell the story of your interview subject. Follow a news story format and follow AP style. This is due 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, March 28. Post on WordPress