Mapping in Tableau




Sample Workbook




Map Crime Data

Use This Data:
2015 Crime County census

In Data Pane
–County. Change Data Type: Geographic Role. County

Basic Map
–New worksheet
–Drag county to the sheet. A map should appear
–Top Menu Bar: Map. Edit Locations. Select Arkansas for data
–Map now is Arkansas with counties as dots.

Violent Crime per 10,000
–Drag Violent per 10,000 to size
–Drag Violent per 10,000 to color
–Drag Violent per 10,000 to label, then filter to top 10
–Drag Violent per 10,000 to filter, click show filter. Remove other legends so you have a filter




Map VA Data

Use va_wait_time_completed for Arkansas

Longitude to Columns
Latitude to Rows
–convert both to Dimensions
–Show Me: Select Map
#Perc30 to Worksheet
You should have two dots, one Fayetteville, one Little Rock
#Perc30 to Size
#Perc30 to Color
#Perc30 to Label
–Resize and color to distinguish between Little Rock and Fayetteville

From Top Menu: Select Map | Map Layers.
Select Place Names, Streets and Highways



Math Tip Sheet

Newsroom Math Crib Sheet