Wednesday, Aug. 22 Class Agenda
Review Homework
Work with crime data
Office hours: Mondays 12:30 p.m-1:30 p.m., Thursdays, 2 p.m.-3 p.m. or by appointment
United Nations Population Dataset. Work With Nicar Coursepack:
Open sample dataset: UrbanPop.xls
Review four corners:
1. Make a copy
2. Freeze Panes
3. Four corners test
4. Check the math
Excel and the Black cross copy function
5. Sorting
6. Percentage Change:
(New Number-Old Number)/Old Number *100
UrbanPop Sorting and Answers
1. Sorting
–Which urban agglomeration was the largest in 1950?
New York: 12.3 million
Which is expected to be the largest in 2030?
Tokyo: 37 million
2. Percentage Change
–Which had greatest rate of change between 1950-2015?
16,894,000% 5,000 people to 845,000
Myanmar Nay Pyi Taw comes out as No 1 but it has an error message #DIV/0! There was no recorded population in 1950, so pick Cancun.
–Are any urban areas expected to lose population from 2010 to 2030?
48 cities from Riga to Asahikawa
–If so, how many and which one is expected to lose the most?
Latvia Riga -23.9%
Nigeria Lokoja 218.8%
Kitakyushu-Fukuoka M.M.A. loses the most on an absolute basis at 201,000
–Which United States urban area is expected to have the largest percent increase from 2015 to 2030?
The Woodlands, 66%
Least: Detroit, 6.8%
Cohen Reading:
Data Diary
What actions you took, commands you ran, thinking behind what you are doing.
FBI Crime Data
Exploring Rates and Ratios
Nicar Exercises: Rates_and_Ratios
- Data Dictionary: Uniform Crime Reporting, Read General Resources
– A Word About UCR Data
– UCR Statistics: Their Proper Use (pdf)
Gather in groups, read the data dictionary, produce questions
2) Gather Data For All Arkansas Cities, All Crimes
–Select all areas for Arkansas
–Select all crimes
–Download for 2014.
–Calculate crime rate per 100,000 people for 2014
Homework Due Saturday, 11:59 pm
Follow and complete the tasks in the Exericse 2 of the NICAR copurse pack, analyzing change in tuition. Use the University of Arkansas data from the College Navigator website.
Submit Excel spreadsheet and a brief two-paragraph discussion highlighting your findings on a WordPress blog. Answer these questions.
Analyze the estimated tuition, fees and living expenses data for students to help you answer the questions below.
1) How much would an in-state student expect to pay for the 2017-2018 school year?
2) How much would an out-of-state student expect to pay for the 2017-2018 school year?
3) How much more did out-of-students pay in 2017-2018 than in-state students?
4) Which category increased the most from the 2014-2015 to the 2017-2018 school years? Raw change? Percent
5) Write a lead for a story based on your analysis.
6) What other information and/or sources would help you finish this story?