Visualize Rate Spread

Census Demographics and NW Arkansas and HMDA Data

2015 HMDALAR FayettevilleMSA-Jan 24  and Link to geographic data in Tableau and Visualize


  1. Add 2015 HMDALAR in Tableau
  2. Add Lat Long in Tableau
  3. Link Tractname-Clean to Census Tract Number
  4. Convert the Latitude and Longitude Columns to their respective geographic role
  5. Visualize the Rate Spread to the Size card, convert to Count
  6. Click on Intptlong and Intptlat, then convert to dimensions
  7. Focus on NW Arkansas, color and resize the bubbles.
  8. Add a map layer with the roads and place names.
  9. Upload this sucker into a blog post.

–Optional: Add a data layer to the map. (See Map layers, bottom option, demographic data)