Review of Quiz


–Writing: Context

We need to know the total tuition and then you can tell us the differences and growth rates.
Absolute tuition figures: $23,506 for in-state Arkansas versus $24,183 for in-state Missouri

–Writing: Formal news story. U of A or Mizzou

–Attribution: Describe the data source in the story

–Use formatting to tell your story. Highlights

–Write your memos like news stories – think of the big trend, focus on that and the rest falls into place

–Writing about percent of totals:

–The University of Arkansas charges its out of state students $13,304, or 63.9% in tuition and fees than in state students, while the University of Missouri charges it’s out of states students $15,657, or 60.7%, more than it’s in state students.

In-state total= $23,506
Out of state total= $36,810

difference = $13,304
% Difference in state vs out of state: $23,506 / $36,810 = 63.86%. “In state tuition is 64% of the out of state tuition.” OR “in-state students pay 36% less than out of state students.”

100-63.86 = 36.14%
Check it: $36,810 * .3614 = $13,303.134.
$36,810- $13,303 = $23,506



Numerical Comparisons

1. New number – Old number. This is the amount, or raw, change. Subtracted the old number from the new: = New-old.

2. Percentage Change.(N- O)/O or (New – Old, divided by Old). Divide the amount change by the old number: = Change/Old.

3. Individual amount / Total amount. This is the percent of total. It’s the numeric equivalent of a pie chart. Divide the individual amount by the total amount. = Individual/Total.

4. Comparing all of the numbers to themselves. Mean and median. Averages are number comparisons: Each one compares a set of numbers and generates one number that best speaks for the data set.

Rates and Ratios

Nicar Exercises: Rates_and_Ratios

Data: CA_discipline

Calculate suspension and expulsion rates for each county.

 Per capita first, then per 1,000 students.

Labels: Per capita:  “Suspend_percap”

Per 1,000 students: “Suspend_Per1k”

Rank: Number the Columns


Data: RI_student_teacher

calculate the student-to-teacher ratio

Working Ahead:

FBI Crime Data for Arkansas

Uniform Crime Reporting, Read General Resources

Gather Data For All Arkansas Cities, All Crimes


FBI Crime Data for Arkansas

Read: Uniform Crime Reporting, Read General Resources.

Post two questions

Post due 11:59 pm, Wednesday, Feb 1

Gather Data For All Arkansas Cities, All Crimes