The 2016 Media Workshop

Friday Nov 18, 8:30a-11:30a

Reynolds Building

The 2016 Media Workshop will focus on covering issues of race and gender during the election year. The workshop will consist of two panels, one national and one local, to discuss everything from how to cover police brutality to discussing the differences and similarities between a male and female political candidates. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with a complementary breakfast and the first panel begins at 9:00 a.m. The event will wrap up at 11:30 a.m.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to network with local professionals from Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma as well as dive into the topic of diversity in the media. The group exercise in the middle of the day is designed to translate into classroom activities to use later next semester or throughout your teaching career.

The national panelists are: Michael Fletcher, ESPN’s The Undefeated; Anne Gearan, The Washington Post; Jesse Holland, The Associated Press and our visiting distinguished professor; and April Ryan, American Urban Radio Network. Christi Welter will moderate the first panel.

The local panelists are: Wayne Greene, The Tulsa World; Bryan Pollard, director of tribal relations at the UA Law School and former editor of the Cherokee Phoenix; and Tony Russell, Tulsa News on 6. Channing Barker of KNWA will moderate this panel.

Review Homework

Census Demographics and NW Arkansas and HMDA Data

census-demographics-ffiec   and Link to geographic data in Tableau and Visualize


  1. Add Census Demographics in Tableau
  2. Add Lat Long in Tableau
  3. Link Tractname-Clean to Tract Code
  4. Convert the Latitude and Longitude Columns to their respective geographic role
  5. Visualize the Tract Minority % to the Size card, convert to Sum
  6. Click on Latitude and Longitude, then convert to dimensions
  7. Focus on NW Arkansas, color and resize the bubbles.
  8. Add a map layer with the roads and place names.
  9. Upload this sucker into a blog post.

–Optional: Add a data layer to the map. (See Map layers, bottom option, demographic data)

My spin through this exercise yielded this:




Format labels to no decimals and add % signs

Background layer filtered to census tract instead of state because there is no variation in the data.

Bunching up of the data points around Fayetteville, so that needs to be cleaned up. Zoom in and have a smaller geographic area.





Fix stories and transcripts from first interviews

—Fix transcripts and story edits by Wednesday. Photo captions needed. Kang
Follow these examples for formatting:
—Kill multiple versions of transcript and pick the one we will use

Note: Next Interview Assignment Due Monday, Nov. 21, 11:59 pm

Third Interview Assignment Due Monday Nov. 28, 11:59 pm

Arkansas Consumer Complaints Against Banks

Bank Complaints


Group 1: Trupp, Monk and Ball: Read and comment on Hispanic community interview, and report
Group 2: Flores, Messina, Lyster, Billmyre:  Read and comment on Asian community
Group 3: Dobrin,Thomas, Taylor Pratt: Read, comment and report: Asian community, report
Group 4: Taylor Pray, Eley, Ward: Read, comment and report: Bankers in the Northwest Arkansas area
All Teams
–Fix edits in your transcripts and stories. Upload to Google Drive
Upload your finished project to a new blog post. Name it “Project – Your_Name” 
Complaints data for Arkansas
– Revised Applications by Rejection Rate, 10-31-16
—eliminate the N/A
Revise “reasons for denial HMDA data”
cut out the information not provided by applicant and consider normalizing these as a percentage of all applications.
Acceptance Gender and Race
the Y axis — it says “value” – what is it? percentage of something. it needs to be labeled. Also, having labels on the bars would be really useful.
Revise Loan Purpose: Refinance from 10-31
—eliminate Grand Total
—New chart Title: “rejection rate for loan refinancing, 2014, NW Arkansas”
—Label the bars
Chart #3 – I would cut out the info not provided by applicant in the Hispanic denial chart. Fix the X axis label to show just “Count of Denial Reasons”
Chart #5 – Loan Amount average by race – Let’s fix this and get dollar signs on the labels. I want to double check your spreadsheet calculations on this too.
Chart #6 – Rejection reason by minority population. Let’s sort it – highest to smallest, L—>R. Get rid of the null category.
Taylor Pratt
Put headers, code up these datasets
2015-LAR by NW Arkansas MSA
2014-LAR by NW Arkansas MSA
2013-LAR by NW Arkansas MSA

Discussion: State – National Comparisons

Using the 2015 National HMDA dataset, determine the Rejection Rate by Race for the U.S., Tables 4-1 and 4-2

Using the 2015 State HMDA dataset, determine the Rejection Rate by Race for Arkansas


Create New Database In Access

The goal is to add Latitude and Longitude data to our HMDA spreadsheet so we can do census-level mapping.
1) Get the Data:
HMDA 2014 NW Arkansas
Get the Latitude and Longitude Data for Arkansas Census Tracts.Name it “LATLONG”
–Importing text file into Excel.
Get File to Link Census Tracts to Lat-Long Files. Name it “CENSUS_MATCH”
2) Working in a Virtual Environment. Transfer Files to MyDocs
MyDocs: smb://
Log in with your UARK username and password.smb://

3) Launch VMWare and Microsoft Access


Launch VMWare Horizon Client
Enter as the name of the Connection Server. Click Connect.
Enter your UARK username and password. Click Login.

—>This will launch Windows. You are now working on a computer in another building on campus. You are running software on that machine. This means you can’t save anything to your desktop in the computer lab. You have to transfer files via the Cloud, in this case, OneDrive.


Import External Data

4) Join these spreadsheets




Table Design


Query Design

Export File and Name it: “LAT_CENSUS”

5) Link to HMDA Data

Query Design. Link LAT_CENSUS to HMDA 2014 NW Arkansas

Export Excel File and Name it: “2014HMDA_LAT_NWARK”

6) Import into Tableau. Map Denials

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> trends.embed.renderExploreWidget("TIMESERIES", {"comparisonItem":[{"keyword":"trump hamilton","geo":"","time":"now 7-d"},{"keyword":"Trump University","geo":"","time":"now 7-d"}],"category":0,"property":""}, {"exploreQuery":"date=now%207-d&q=trump%20hamilton,Trump%20University"});